Gamblers Get Online Accounts with Bank Of America Online Banking

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Bank of America

Hot on the heels of recent news that California is considering legalizing online gaming for gamblers 21 years of age and older, Bank of America is pushing for larger revenues from existing customers, according to a Casino Gambling Web report. Bank of America has accounts with no fees for gamblers, but they are now changing their policies, offering free checking only for accounts with large amounts of money ($2,000 minimum balance or else the account holder must pay service fees), and account holders that accept e-statements ( if the customer chooses to accept processing all of their banking transactions online or at the ATM).

Also, according to the same report, gamblers will see fees that are higher than the ones paid at their current online gambling sites. For instance, Bank of America will charge $6 to $25 in fees monthly from those account holders who do not use other services the bank has to offer. And that’s not all. Since BOFA is a preferred bank for gamblers, it is imperative that the bank provides reliable, flawless services, particularly for online banking.

But the bank has repeated glitches. Today, for example, some users report the online banking being extremely slow, while others reported that the service was “temporarily unavailable.” This is the second issue of the kind in a relatively short time frame. The BOFA site and online banking services were down this January, and last year as well. When such things happen, gamblers have the tendency to believe that their accounts had been frozen because of the gaming transactions.

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