Hawaii Department of Agriculture Issues Media RFP
The EATLOCAL19_MEDIA campaign requests proposals for a campaign that encourages consumers to increase consumption of locally grown fresh and value-added agricultural products through a media campaign that can include, but will not be limited to, television, radio, print, retail level, and social media components. The proposals should support statewide campaigns such as the “Buy Local, It Matters” call-to-action program to increase the demand for locally grown and value-added agricultural products. The EATLOCAL19_MEDIA campaign shall include at least one quantifiable/measurable outcome that demonstrates the project increased food security through media messages that encouraged consumers to EAT LOCAL. This can include measuring impressions, impact on sales, feedback, website “hits”, blog followers, postings and/or number of television and/or radio spots. The project should move Hawaii towards food self-sufficiency and increased food security.
The Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s (HDOA) 240 employees statewide work to support, enhance, promote, and protect Hawaii’s agriculture and aquaculture industries. We work to create and maximize opportunities for exporting; and facilitate growth of existing and new agricultural commodities and by-products. In addition, the department works to prevent the introduction and establishment of plants, animals and diseases that are detrimental to the state’s agriculture industry and the environment. The Appropriations Act of 2018 (Act 53, SLH 2018) appropriated funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019, to the Agricultural Development Division to conduct Industry and Product Promotion activities that promote Hawaii agricultural products.
Scope of Work:
To achieve this goal, the HDOA announces the availability of up to $99,000 in program funds for one project to promote the EAT LOCAL message through a media campaign. The campaign shall apply statewide over a 12-month period, from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 and must include metrics that provide measurable outcomes which demonstrate that the campaign reached a high number of consumers statewide.
Project proposals and goals should focus on the following state priority categories:
• Demonstrate innovative ways to promote the action to EAT LOCAL through media;
• Move the State towards food self-sufficiency and sustainability;
• Feature farmers, farms, producers and commodities;
• Connect the local food item to the farm, to the farmer and to its path to the plate;
• In addition to promoting beef, eggs, fish, and milk, promote a variety of other local
HDOA’s Market Development Branch (MDB) will directly oversee the planning and implementation of the project to use media to promote the EAT LOCAL message to reach a high number of consumers statewide and will monitor the performance of all project activities and ensure that work is completed within the required timeline and in compliance with all program regulations.
Due Date:
March 1
Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA)
Market Development Branch
1428 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
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