A few moments ago, Shannon Latta of Horn Group PR tweeted a nice little tidbit my way – Sabrina Horn’s digital in house tech folks have been hard at it developing iPhone apps. Horn Group is one of PR’s most digitally aware agencies, one which we have shined the spotlight on a time or two as well. Their latest bragging point is significant, if not for pure coolness, the as added client value surely.
Okay, making an iPhone app these days is a bit like making a banana sandwich, you have to know how to do it right, but anyone can get it done. But, not everyone in big time PR has put their agency into the hip pocket of their clients. From what we can see of the app at the iTunes store, it looks like Horn Group’s
This click little application crams communicative coolness into Horn PR’s client hands pretty nicely – users get the Group’s news, thought leadership, full contact access, and client information – at the stroke of their beloved iPhone. Retweet functionality to one touch ringup for staff in Public Relations, Interactive Design, and the Executive team, that says a lot about connectivity – Sabrina must have been reading Brian Solis’ Engage? Show-N-Tell slick PR move or not, Sabrina’s strategy team hit a homer with this one.
According to Shannon, Horn Groups nifty little tech addition was created by the firm’s in house interactive design team. On top of that, you PR gurus out there can even order up your own version from Horn’s designers. Of course the tool is designed to be primarily a collaborative tool between Horn Group and their clientèle. Still, aside the practical applications, Sabrina’s strategy team got one up on about a zillion other PR firms with this one – and not just in NYC either.
I have included links and some screens of the Horn Group app. For all the huge PR firms over there in the Big Apple – well, if apple is not a good hint then Horn Group’s new little toy should be a wake up call. Nice work Horn Group. Now if I can just get Ben Billingsley to respond to that last email thread? Maybe I need a Horn Group iPhone app?