COBINHOOD ICO – Cryptocurrency Coming Out of the Dark



COBINHOOD ICO reached 25% of its goal within 12 hours of PR / Digital influencer engagement. According to their website, it “is the world’s first “ZERO Trading Fees” cryptocurrency exchange with the vision to achieve ultimate trading experience for traders around the globe, building a cryptocurrency service platform for the blockchain era. Traders will enjoy zero trading fees for spot trading and margin trading for up to 10x leverage.”

And their network is secure from hackers using an offline multisig vault, employing at least five out of eight hardware security modules distributed around the world. They also insure any coins held in hot wallets. Bringing digital coins out of the darkness and making their efforts free from scams or other questionable practices.

With the help of 5WPR, they have a diverse media and influencer program. They have been written up in some of the top media sources reporting about financial options including International Finance, Cryptovest, CNBC, Bloomberg, and Reuters. A tweet sent from @iamjamiefoxx announcing the company, which is based in Taiwan but operates in both the US and Taiwan, was retweeted over 8K times. COBINHOOD also just announced Former White House CIO Tony Scott has joined as a Strategic Advisor.

Not only are there zero transaction fees, something that other cryptocurrencies rake the money in using, but investors and traders won’t have problems getting their transactions through to completion quickly either. That’s because the company has built a proprietary order book matching engine cable of processing millions of orders in a fraction of a second – so true “real-time” trading is possible on COBINHOOD exchange. The ICO trading for this company is geared for ordinary and day traders in these currencies. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, but currently, it’s on a steep uptrend, making the large profits made quickly a good possibility. Some of these have seen a rise taking a $1K investment up to $5K in just nine months this year.

COBINHOOD is a new offering, but the impressive news is that it tackles and solves every problem that has plagued this type of investment, though it cannot change the fact that there is still no centralized governing body for cryptocurrency. They have addressed the issues of security, speed, and transaction fees (did we mention they are free with COBINHOOD?). And they are the only ICO that gives those assurances in that market currently.

If you are ready for the possibility of big returns in this new type of investment, COBINHOOD should be the top of your list for consideration. Bitcoin may have been around a lot longer, but it’s also a very steep buy-in at this point and offers none of the benefits we’ve mentioned.

ICOs may very well be the financial wave of the future. They are transforming investing and drawing in more money than many of the well-established investment options such as stocks and bonds. So ICOs are kind of like the wild west of investment options, but just like that unique time in history, the possibilities for a much better future makes them very attractive for investors. History reports that during a gold rush, most of the wealth is made by miners and the companies offering supplies to them.

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