India Brand Equity Foundation Issues Branding RFP

India Brand Equity Foundation Issues Branding RFP

India Brand Equity Foundation Issues Branding RFP

India Brand Equity Foundation is seeking a branding agency for the Branding of Indian agri-products for India Brand Equity Foundation. The India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF) is a Trust established by Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. IBEF’s primary objective is to promote and create international awareness of the Brand India label in markets overseas and to facilitate dissemination of knowledge of Indian products and services. Towards this objective, IBEF works closely with stakeholders across government and industry to promote Brand India.
IBEF is working with APEDA, Tea Board, Coffee Board and Spices Board for the promotion of agricultural & processed foods, tea, coffee and spices sectors respectively. IBEF proposes to appoint a Creative Agency for designing and production of the required creative and publicity material and to provide a creative vision and strategy for executing the campaign for Indian agri-products, with specific focus on overseas fairs and exhibitions. IBEF intends to make it a global campaign for these products. The Creative Agency needs to identify the possible positioning routes, tagline and strategic platforms for positioning Indian agri- products.

As part of the campaign, IBEF will also undertake production of publicity and promotional material on a regular basis, including brochures, banners, hoardings, advertisements, USBs, leaflets, posters, etc. which will be circulated and distributed to prospective buyers, exporters, industry and trade associations, other stakeholders in the industry, media, embassies and high commissions, etc., in India and overseas.

Scope of Work and Deliverables

  1. Developing an overall brand positioning strategy and designing creative elements for branding of Indian agri-products. The branding strategy must highlight India’s strengths, achievements and potential in these sectors and would have to be tailor-made to specific domestic and global audiences as communicated by IBEF.
  2. The Agency has to develop creative elements including, but not limited to, the following:
    • 25 creatives on themes that would be identified. These creatives would be adaptable for use in all other media formats.
    • Fifty adaptations of the creatives to any desired format as communicated by IBEF.*
    • One High resolution brochure on the four sectors (A4 size, 30 pages): Agency has to do the entire content creation, formatting and designing, with inputs to be provided by IBEF.

Proposal due on April 28, 2017 to:

India Brand Equity Foundation
20th Floor,
Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan Tolstoy
Marg, New Delhi 110001

Burson-Marsteller and Edelman both maintain offices in India.

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