The fact that we are almost non stop connected to the Internet is no news anymore. We connect through laptops, personal computers, tablets and smartphones. According to AMIR though, smartphones are leading the pack when it comes to technology used to connect on the Web.

A recent study on Spanish market says that 79% of the Spanish users connect to the Internet through mobile phones. The Spanish Association for Media Investigation and Research (AMIR) presented this month the 15th survey on Internet users connectivity habits – the most important study on Internet and its use in Spain.
According to the survey, the mobile phone maintains its spectacular rise, and now, almost 4 out of 5 Internet users are connected through this device, followed by laptop/netbook (80,9%) and desktop computer (78,8%). 66% of the users connect several times a day through mobile phones.
Among the most common activities performed on Internet via a smartphone, the survey found that instant messaging is the main activity, with 74,1%; followed by uploading videos with 51,3%; then photos – 40,6%; and banking transactions with 37,9%. At the same time, 80% of the users declared that they use the mobile phones mainly for checking the e-mail and surfing the web.
The opportunity to connect to applications, media and social media, doubled the use of tablets in 2012 (30,7/%) compared to 2011 (14,3%).
Surfing on the web (86,3%), checking the email (77,4%), reading news (66,3%), downloading videos from YouTube (65,5%) and connecting to social media (61,3%) are the main activities performed with tablets.
Although 81,7% of the Spanish users are concerned with privacy on social media, the security and privacy on mobile phones is not one of their concerns.
Let´s hope that for the 16th edition of the survey, the security and privacy on mobile phones will be the main concern of Internet users.