Jennifer Lopez’s Public Relations Goof

Jennifer Lopez PR

Jennifer Lopez PR

On New Year’s Eve in Times Square Jennifer Lopez revealed a glimpse of what we can expect from some stars in 2010, mediocre PR hype. Lopez, now 41, “entertained” New Year’s revelers with song and dance in a skin tight cat suit which supposedly revealed her new derriere. In the end though, the outfit just showed off what the average mommy of two looks like with a little gym time.

News of Lopez’s caboose transformation has been positive, with some even prepared to award her a sort of Bum 2010 Award, which leaves this writer wondering if we are not all the butt of some kind of joke?

Lopez, long the celebrity poster child for any and all things fanny, has apparently done something about the focus of so much envy, who knows what is anyone’s guess. With all the fanny fare heaped onto the New Year’s performance, one would think Lopez had somehow grafted Marilyn Monroe’s behind onto her now boxy little frame. Hollywood has some strange effects on people, but a beautiful if agin star offering herself up like this always makes me a little sad.

Just what is wrong with Jennifer or any star aging gracefully?

Jennifer Lopez Ryan Seacrest

Even more scathingly strange is how anyone could allow their eyes to fail them? The event’s host, Ryan Seacrest, started the PR spin on Lopez’s new trim image by quipping; “That outfit has made my year.” Hmm, I wonder what Dick Clark would think?

Jennifer Lopez is a great performer, a popular celebrity, and a proud mom. Whoever convinced her she needed to take this direction was at best misguided. The video below courtesy New Year’s Rockin Eve shows a trim Jennifer Lopez in Time’s Square December 31st. The woman lost some weight, some fanny, and nothing of her talent, but her PR people are guilty of hollow hype where none was needed.

Jennifer Lopez, you are really too talented for this sort of stuff, you know?

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