Why Did Larry Rasky of Rasky Baerlein Threaten To Sue Everything-PR?

Larry Rasky

Larry Rasky

Larry Rasky, Chairman and CEO of Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications, is a very well-connected big-wig PR guy – and so we wrote what we thought was a positive profile of Rasky Baerlein, including a description of the company as a firm with “a great reputation,” which is “highly experienced.”

Larry Rasky Threatened to Sue

Imagine our shock when we received a note from Larry Rasky threatening to sue Everything PR News which implied there was some sort of conspiracy theory? Rasky, regarded as one of the closest people to Vice President Joe Biden, may have thought we have an interest in whether Mr. Biden runs for President or not? We don’t… we care about PR!!!

Some sort of other issue? Who knows.

Rasky has an extensive background in communications for some well-known Democrat heavy-hitters, which has served he and his partners, Joe Baerlein, Ann Carter, Amanda Deaver, and Jonathan Karush quite nicely since the founding of their firm.

Rasky has worked for political figures like Congressman Ed Markey and the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, Senator John Kerry’s inaugural Senate campaign, and even as a deputy press secretary for President Jimmy Carter. His most recent and quite visible connection centers on our current Vice President, Joe Biden.

Mr. Rasky’s connection with Joe Biden goes all the way back to, then Senator Biden’s first run for the White House in 1987. He served on Biden’s presidential team a second time 20 years later since the two maintain a relationship. New England media outlets give the impression that should the Vice President run in 2016 it is quite likely Larry Rasky will continue onboard a third time as an advisor and PR guru.

Larry Rasky Communications Director

Or is his recent threats against Everything-PR related to some sort of internal Biden politics?

Larry Rasky has been involved in public relations for over thirty years. The Emerson College graduate started his firm with associate Joseph Baerlein in 1989 and has remained a fixture in New England political circles ever since. Their firm, based in Boston, Massachusetts, merged with Prism Public Affairs in early 2014.

Rasky and his partners maintain a small boutique approach enabling them to focus their considerable talents on a very select client list. A client list including, besides political candidates, Catholic Charities, FEMA, the Boston Red Sox, and Quebec City among others.

Through the years, Larry has avoided major scandal although his name has been linked to a couple of ugly tiffs. One involving supermarket chain, Market Basket and the DeMoula family, the other a lawsuit against clients The Boston Red Sox. Rasky’s career proves a singular focus, great connections, and visible results are a recipe for success in the public policy arena.

But, Mr. Rasky – threats won’t stop Everything-PR from writing about you. You say there’s inaccuracies? Everything we reported was checked – is there something wrong? Say so. This ain’t the vast right-wing conspiracy Hillary Clinton complains about.

Larry Rasky of Rasky Baerlein shouldn’t threaten to sue an independent media Public Relations news site like Everything-PR – we may decide to write about it and share other litigation and matters he may not want to be public.

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