Levick Communications: Clinton’s Professional Fixer Selling Citizenships

Clinton’s Professional Fixer Selling Citizenships

Clinton’s Professional Fixer Selling Citizenships

This Atlantic has a profile this week on Lanny Davis, the longtime professional “fixer” of the Clinton family – which details how the lobbyist for Levick Communications is now selling citizenships to foreign islands.

The Atlantic writes:

“For a vari­able fee, be­gin­ning at just $250,000, you, too, can be­come a cit­izen of St. Kitts and Nevis. For even less, you can buy your way in­to Gren­ada ($200,000) or Domin­ica ($100,000).”

Davis is an attorney for the gov­ern­ment of St. Kitts, and in peddling citizenships is hopeful “in get­ting this great little demo­cracy—and a beau­ti­ful is­land that I’ve had an op­por­tun­ity to vis­it—a chance to de­vel­op jobs, de­liv­er health care, im­prove the qual­ity of life of the people of this won­der­ful, beau­ti­ful para­dise in the Carib­bean.”

Prime Minister Harris of St. Kitts and Nevis explains it is all legal:  “We are a re­spons­ible gov­ern­ment, and we take our re­spons­ib­il­ity ser­i­ously – We are a re­spect­able mem­ber of the in­ter­na­tion­al com­munity.”

The funds go to St. Kitts Island’s infrastructure fund – or another local project, and account for 20 percent of the nation’s GDP.

Dav­is – who has had 43 emails released publicly thus far in the emails released in the Clinton scandal – works at Levick Communications.

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