Listos California Issues Digital Marketing RFP


Valley Vision is issuing this Request for Proposals to solicit responses from vendors capable of providing an instrument that will track, monitor, and analyze traditional, digital, and social media for discussions/mentions of issues relevant to the Listos California Campaign. Results will be used by the Listos California Campaign to continually refine and guide its content and channels of communication to reach the targeted audiences and drive intended impact of the campaign. The analytics tool will be a key component for the Listos California Campaign to reach one million diverse and vulnerable residents to be better prepared for emergencies, particularly fire, flood, and earthquake. Additionally, the tool will be used by the Governor’s Office and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to monitor communication trends around disaster response and recovery.

After careful review of responses received and associated due diligence performed by Valley Vision, Valley Vision will select one vendor to provide the analytics tool.


Governor Newsom and state lawmakers together invested $50 million through urgency legislation (AB 72 of 2019) to establish the California for All Emergency Preparedness Campaign as a joint effort between the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) and California Volunteers. It is a new effort to boost emergency preparedness by connecting over one million of the most vulnerable Californians to culturally and linguistically competent support through a grass-roots, people-centered approach.

To ensure success, the campaign empowers and engages local communities on emergency preparedness to support California’s diverse and vulnerable populations, which can be described by social vulnerability factors including social isolation, poverty, language barriers, and other access and functional needs challenges. 

Valley Vision, a 501c3 civic leadership organization selected as the support team for the California for All Emergency Preparedness Campaign, is assembling qualified vendors to carry out a multi-million-dollar public engagement campaign through December 2020 capable of engaging one million or more hard-to-reach Californian’s living in high risk disaster areas. An early step in this process is securing a digital analytics tool.

Scope of Work:

The selected tool must fulfill a variety of needs. Chief among these needs are:

1) Monitoring mentions and conversations in traditional, digital, and social media

a. Ability to track and analyze what is being said, by whom, and through what channels

b. Ability to track and analyze what is gaining traction, what is losing momentum, and what is emerging

c. Ability to analyze the sentiment of the mention/conversation

d. Ability to rapidly customize/program what information, topics, and key words are being tracked/monitored

e. Ability to track mentions/conversations in multiple languages

2) Reporting 

a. Ability to customize metrics for reporting

b. Provide real time reporting 

c. Maintain longitudinal data 

d. Provide alerts when new mentions/conversations are identified

e. Ability for reporting to be filtered/segmented by demographics, geography, and/or individual/organization

f. Present results in customizable dashboard(s)

3) Training and technical support

a. Work with the Listos California Team to define the initial design, metrics, reporting formats, and other functional designs of the tool

b. Provide training on the tools to core members of the Listos California team

c. Be available to provide on-call technical assistance throughout the duration of the campaign

d. Provide ongoing maintenance of the tool


The Listos California Campaign is currently underway and will continue through December 31, 2020. The tool should be ready for functional use and the Listos California team members should be trained by January 15, 2020. The selected vendor will provide ongoing maintenance of the tool and technical assistance through December 31, 2020.


Budget will be negotiated based upon proposals submitted. Please include an itemized break down of costs/fees by key activities with your proposal.

Due Date: 

December 30


Hunter PR and M Booth are relevant agencies worth considering.

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