MHA will receive proposals from qualified providers to Market for the agency for all of its sites owned and operated by the housing authority and/or its affiliates including and not limited to Central Arkansas Housing Corporation “CAHC”. The term of the contract is two (2) years with an option for additional years, not to exceed five (5) years as specified in this request for qualifications. MHA considers the Marketing service to balance the growth demands for new approaches to be taken to meet emerging challenges, while still continuing to meet various public expectations. In addition, expanding growth, shifting consumer behaviors and evolving demographics demand that more sophisticated marketing practices be developed.

Consequently, MHA is looking for a professional servicer to make significant contributions towards reaching its Marketing goals. Those goals are:

                • Reinforce the MHA’s positioning in its niche market between market rate developers/property owners that promote upscale delivery models with the flexibility to streamline for           efficiency, and entities that are hampered by single-focused and rudimentary housing        options/offerings.

                • Promote the MHA’s successes, potential and current production throughout Central Arkansas, making it a public provider of choice.

                • Develop the appropriate message and select the most appropriate communications channel relevant to the various opportunities provided.

                • Assist in Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing by creating community awareness campaigns that promote the general public knowledge of the programs and services administered by the Metropolitan Housing Alliance

                • Enhance the MHA’s customer service culture at the consumer level.


The Housing Authority of the City of Little Rock (LRHA), Arkansas D/B/A Metropolitan Housing Alliance (MHA) was formed in 1941. It is the fourth oldest and largest housing authority in the state of Arkansas and has a long history of accomplishments and service to the Capital City Community.

MHA prides itself on administering federal subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income persons and families within the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. MHA is a public body exercising exclusively public and essential government functions, and having all the powers necessary and/or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and previsions of the Housing Authorities Act.

MHA is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners which establishes goals, approves policy and budgets, and provides general direction to the MHA Executive Staff.

MHA’s mission is to serve the residents of Little Rock by developing, owning, and operating safe, decent and affordable housing in a manner that promotes thriving communities.

Scope of Work:

MHA is searching for a firm/individual that offers the ability to perform Major Campaigns with Creative Development, Production and Trafficking for the MHA brand. A firm with production and rebranding expertise. The major areas of attention for the successful proposer will be in planning management for major events/special projects, products and services material/brochures, media contacts, branding and advertisement, marketing, customer satisfaction and research media and crisis training and management.


                • Serve as MHA’s expert advisor for the development and implementation of marketing strategies for its primary revenue-generating business lines

                • Develop a marketing plan focused on achieving MHA’s Marketing Goals

                • Create quarterly planning objectives and reporting for ensuring tactics are managed on brand                and on budget, and accountable to measurement of the KPIs.

Marketing and Public Relations

                • Provide graphic design and content development for digital, print, and collateral material, as requested

                • Manage public relations resources to accomplish the objectives as described in the marketing plan

                • Provide strategic campaign support, including planning, development, and execution; multi-channel outreach; and branded material development

                • Support MHA’s internal marketing needs by providing integrated collateral templates.


                • Provide website design, host, development, and content services, as needed

                • Provide social media strategy development, content, and execution. Market Research

                • Conduct market research to identify target industry segments with the highest revenue generating probability, as needed,

                • Conduct customer surveys, as needed.


                • Advise MHA on maintaining brand consistency

                • Make recommendations on brand advancement.

Due Date:

April 11th, 2019.



ATTENTION: Commissioner Leta Anthony

100 South Arch Street

Little Rock, AR 72201

Real Estate PR agencies include Rubenstein PR and Zeno Group.

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