Lobbying RFP Issued By State of Alabama

Alabama State

This is a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) containing information concerning the above-referenced matter, an abbreviated scope of work, and evaluation items


Our standard of excellence: To be the most innovative and effectively managed City in the United States of America.

Core Beliefs of the Maddox Administration:
1. Western Tuscaloosa and other parts of our City who have not benefited from the economic prosperity of Tuscaloosa will again thrive both residentially and commercially.
2. The City of Tuscaloosa will be a customer friendly environment and our work will be open, efficient and effective.
3. Comprehensive Planning will be essential to preserving our neighborhoods, promoting economic development and ensuring a high quality of life.
4. All Citizens will be safe in all areas of our City. If trouble arises, whether crime, fire or an act of nature, our response will be swift and effective.
5. All children academically at-risk will have the opportunity for highly effective pre-k programs.
6. The ability to serve our Citizens is a shared responsibility among all departments and employees, which requires that we consistently provide the highest level of performance, dedication and integrity.

Scope of Work:

The City of Tuscaloosa seeks the services of a professional firm which has knowledge, experience, and expertise to perform the following services as requested:

(1) Meet and consult with the City’s representative on a regular and routine basis (at least once a week during legislative sessions), and meet and consult with the Mayor and City Council as needed in regard to legislation of interest to the City: 

(2) Review and advise the City in regard to all pending State legislation including general bills, general bills of local application as well as local bills, before or during the legislative session that could, in the Consultant’s or City’s opinion, adversely affect the City, its officers, agents or employees and/or benefit the City or be in the City’s interest;

(3) Consult with City representatives in regard to preparation and drafting of legislation;

(4) Meet and communicate frequently and as needed with members of the Tuscaloosa County Legislative Delegation in particular, and in general, with all other legislators on behalf of the City regarding legislation of interest to or sponsored by the City, and communicate to the City any comments and/or inquiries from the delegation, particularly in regard to the City’s position on matters pending before the Legislature;

(5) Identify, track and advise the City in regard to any proposed, sponsored or advertised local legislation and represent the City’s interest in regard thereto with the Legislature;

(6) Be physically present and available to Legislators at the State House in Montgomery at frequent intervals during each week of a legislative session;

(7) Attend legislative public hearings and/or committee meetings wherein legislation of interest to the City and/or sponsored by the City is being considered or discussed;

(8) Represent the interest of the City as required with the Legislative as well as the Executive Branch of State Government.

As a facilitator, Consultant will assist the City in regard to identifying and obtaining sources of funding for public works and improvement projects of the City, as well as grants for planning, law enforcement, public safety, water and sewer, recreational, roads, highways, bridges, etc. Consultant will also advise the City and facilitate where possible, the City’s efforts in obtaining necessary permits and/or approvals and/or information from appropriate State and/or Federal agencies or entities.

Consultant shall conduct representation of the City in an ethical, economical and efficient manner, in accordance with the provisions hereof and applicable laws. In accomplishing the project, Consultant shall take such steps as are appropriate to insure that the work involved is properly coordinated with related work and policies being carried

Due Date:

By 5:00 p.m. CST) on December 4, 2019.


Glenda Webb, City Attorney

Office of the City Attorney

City of Tuscaloosa

Post Office Box 2089

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35403-2089

(205) 248-5140

Agencies worth considering include MWWPR and Ruder Finn.

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