Los Angeles World Airports Issues Marketing RFP

Los Angeles World Airports Issues Marketing RFP

Los Angeles World Airports Issues Marketing RFP

Los Angeles World Airports has issued an RFP for Air Service Marketing, Promotional, and Development Consulting Services.  Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) is soliciting proposals from professional PR Agencies to perform air service marketing, promotional, and development consulting services activities primarily in international regions for Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to the international tourism industry. LAWA wishes to obtain expert professional and technical assistance in support of LAWA’s ongoing effort to increase passenger and cargo air service and to promote new domestic and international air service to markets not served or underserved by LAX.


LAWA is the Department of Airports of the City of Los Angeles (City) established pursuant to Article XXIV, Section 238 of the City Charter. As a financially self­ si.Jfficient, proprietary department of the City, LAWA is under the management and control of a seven-member Board of Airport Commissioners (BoAC) appointed by the Los Angeles City Mayor and approved by the Los Angeles City Council. The Chief Executive Officer administers LAWA and reports to the BoAC. LAWA operates and maintains Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and Van Nuys General Aviation Airport (VNY).

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)

LAX is the world’s busiest origin and destination (0 & D) airport. O&D passengers are those beginning or ending their trips in Southern California rather than using the airport for connecting flights. In total traffic, LAX is the fourth busiest airport in the world, and second in the United States, for passengers and ranks 14th in the world in air cargo tonnage handled. In 2016, the airlines of LAX served 80.4 million passengers and handled 2,105,941 million tons of freight and mail.

LAX Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

LAWA is in the midst of a $14 billion Capital Improvement Program (CIP) at LAX, projected to last through 2023. The LAX modernization program is considered the largest public works program in the City of Los Angeles. Amongst the completed projects, is the New Tom Bradley International Terminal (TBIT), a world-class transportation facility, with 18 boarding gates including nine gates able to accommodate new generation wide-body aircraft. The new TBIT, which opened in September 2013, features 1,179,000 square feet of usable space  and a Great Hall with 150,000 square feet for premier dining, retail shopping, airline club lounges, and other passenger amenities. The terminal features 42 shopping options and 29 dining locations along with state-of-the-art technology to entertain, inform and guide the over nine-million annual international passengers that use the terminal. In February, 2017 LAWA broke ground on a new Mid-Field Satellite Concourse (MSC). The MSC North Project consists of an 11-gate concourse, aircraft parking aprons, taxiway lanes, utilities and provisions for a conveyance system. Substantial completion of the MSC North Project is anticipated, with operational activities to begin in early 2020.

A key component of the LAX CIP is the Landside Access Modernization Program (LAMP). The program plan includes five major elements: a 2.25-mile Automated People Mover (APM) that will connect three on-airport stations to Metro Rail and transit services; a Consolidated Rent-A-Car center; two lntermodal Transportation Facilities for additional parking, ground transportation services, and meter-greeter activities; and roadway improvements. LAMP provides the solution to the Central Terminal Area traffic congestion, and its major elements are proposed to be delivered by 2023.


Proposers should offer the ability to successfully perform the required services which would include the following tasks:

1. Direct LAWA Marketing and Promotional Services

Provide solely LAX marketing and promotional services that do not include or support any general destination marketing of the Southern California Region:
Task A: Market and promote LAX Facilities and Services and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to:

International Airline Industry

  • Secure advertorial value in international aviation publications to promote LAWA’s current and future modernization projects at LAX;
  • Work with aviation industry representatives to develop in-flight features that promote LAX modernization;
  • Customize CIP promotion and advertising materials for circulation in key international aviation markets; and,
  • Exclusively represent LAWA at aviation industry trade shows for the sole purpose of promoting LAX’s modernization projects.

International Travel Industry

  • Secure advertorial value in international travel trade publications to promote L4.X current and future modernization projects;
  • Customize CIP promotion and advertising materials for circulation to international tour operators and travel media; and,
  • Exclusively represent LAWA at industry trade shows and events for the sole purpose of promoting UX’s modernization projects.

International and Domestic Passengers

  • Generate publicity for the LAX modernization projects, as well as existing L4.X facilities and services. Translate and host all relevant sections of LAWA’s website in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and other appropriate languages, and publication of new website to respective markets both locally and internationally;
  • Promote L4.X modernization projects on all consumer websites by, at a minimum, including information about the projects on the home page of every site;
  • Write and distribute in-language, in-market stories about UX; and,
  • Market the L4.X business outlets of new Concessionaires and other retailers at LAX to print and online media.

Task B: Market research and analysis:

  • Provide supportive data to LAWA for presentations to airlines;
  • Generate analysis of airline data, aviation databases, and external studies to identify airlines at risk of service reductions at LAX;
  • Conduct research to identify markets underserved by U..X;
  • Collaborate with LAWA to obtain current data measuring the number of international passenger arrivals at LAX by country of origin, number of international non-stop flights at LAX, and number of seats on international non-stop flights atU..X;
  • Conduct research to measure the number of in-bound tour operators utilizing L4.X versus competing gateways; and,
  • Survey travel agents to collect data on the agents’ perceptions of the facilities and services at LAX.

Task C: Meeting and other communications with LAWA:

  • Assist LAWA staff with the fulfillment of its marketing or advertising needs as requested by LAWA management; and,
  • In coordination with LAWA and appropriate state and federal agencies, work with travel industry leadership and stakeholders to develop proposals to improve US Customs and Border Protection processing at LAX.

2. Marketing and Promoting LAX Air Service

Activities to develop and promote new passenger and cargo air service and maintain air service, with an emphasis on international air service to LAX:

Task A: Market and promote LAX to Airlines:

  • Meetings and other communications with the airline carrier representatives;
  • Developing  presentations  and other materials for marketing  LAX to prospective air carriers;
  • Provide a comprehensive promotional and marketing package to airlines launching new services at LAX;
  • Plan and assist in the launching events for new airline service to LAX;
  • Coordinate familiarization tours requested and sponsored by an airline in order to promote a specified new or existing air route and sponsored and attended by airline representatives. All familiarization tours under this task will include a tour of LAX facilities.
  • Conduct in-market training sessions exclusively on LAX services and facilities for reservation staff of airlines offering direct service to LAX;
  • Participate in airline route planning and development conferences exclusively as a representative of LAWA to promote routes and service to LAX;
  • Gather and report data and business intelligence on local air carriers; and,
  • Manage development and maintenance of master database of all airline executive and airline marketing contacts.

Task B: Meetings and other communications with LAWA

  • Meetings and other communications with LAWA, including coordinating meetings between LAWA and air carriers.

3. International Trade Missions and Aviation lndustrv Events

Oversee LAWA’s participation in aviation industry conferences, events and City of Los Angeles trade missions to directly promote its airport system.

  • Organize and manage LAWA’s participation at aviation industry conferences to promote LAX;
  • Identify and organize speaking opportunities for LAWA officials at domestic and international aviation industry events; and,
  • Organize LAWA’s participation in and host trade missions to promote LAX.

Proposal due by  May 13, 2017  to:

Los Angeles World Airports Administration
Attn: Martin Obregon, Jr.
1 World Way, Suite 200
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Strong PR firms in Los Angeles include MSL Group, Shift Communications & Ogilvy PR.

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