Lou Hammond & Associates – Focusing on Travel Results

Lou Hammond & Associates

Lou Hammond & AssociatesIn 1984, Lou Rena Hammond formed the agency and chose three guiding principles for her firm – style, integrity, and results. In the more than three decades since opening, the team has gained understanding and experience to offer clients in all areas of public relations and marketing. The company began with three employees and three clients. Now, more than 40 work at Lou Hammond and Associates in offices located in Manhattan, Miami, and Charleston. They also have access to a global network of Public Relations partner agencies. This is one of the finest PR firms in the world for those in need of a travel public relations company.

TLou Rena Hammondhe firm has a Digital Division that not only helps with all online efforts for marketing but they monitor all activity surrounding their clients to minimize the risk of negative PR situations. This provides clients with the comfort of knowing if a storm begins to brew LHA will immediately begin efforts to diffuse any tempest in the making. Or if the worst happens, they will respond without delay to decrease the impact of the storm.

Prior to opening the agency, Ms. Hammond served as Director of Promotion, Publicity, and Public Affairs for Pan American World Airways. While there she traveled extensively and gained experience with locations and hospitality vendors all around the world.

Lou Hammond & Associates represents clients from all fields but a large number of their clients fit in the travel and hospitality sector. Some of their clients include Hunter Douglas, PlanSource, The Beach Company (real estate), Nassau Paradise Island, Fort Worth, Sonoma County Vintners – and Winegrowers, Red Mountain Resort, and Marriott.

They have recently added another client to their travel destination section – The Territorial Committee of the Tourism of Saint Barthelemy (St. Barth). The committee is funded and directed by the government of St. Barth but is a separate company with their own bureau/board and president (Nils Dufau). They began representing St. Barth in September 2014, and their services were originally enlisted for a 12-month period. Many of Lou Hammond’s clients are long-term, so it is possible St. Barth will extend their representation regarding tourism PR work by LHA. The contract provided for 12 visits to St. Barth during the 12-month period, four press releases, arranging various press meetings during July, and event planning along with the Hotels and Villas Association of St-Barth.

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