Lubbock, Texas Issues Lobbying RFP

Lubbock, Texas Issues Lobbying RFP

Lubbock, Texas Issues Lobbying RFP

The City of Lubbock, Texas has issued a lobbying RFP.


  1. The successful firm will have municipal experience in providing lobbying services at the State level to assist the City of Lubbock in developing an agenda and securing funding.  This agenda will include areas of general municipal government, including: telecommunications, sanitation waste disposal, parks and recreational services, economic development, streets and transportation, sanitary sewer, storm water, infrastructure, health, animal control,  police and fire services, homeland security, grants, legislative issues that restrict the powers of local government such as eminent domain and annexation, and other issues affecting municipalities as more fully described in this RFP.
  2. The successful firm must agree to be available at all times upon reasonable request to meet with City Council, City staff and others as specified in order to perform the responsibilities assigned; and to attend meetings, represent the interest of the City, and act as liaison between the City and all branches, departments, and agencies of the State government.
  3. The City expects that the successful proposer shall refrain from undertaking any representation of other parties concerning any Legislative Matter whose interests are adverse to the interests of the City.
  4. The successful firm will work collaboratively with the City of Lubbock City Council, City Manager and designated staff to develop the City’s State program and represent the City’s interests in Austin, Texas.

The successful firm will handle a range of activities including, but not limited to:

  1. Work closely with the City Council, City Manager, and key staff to develop a detailed strategic plan, to be referred to as the City of Lubbock State Legislative Program, for acquiring appropriations and funding for the City of Lubbock.
  2. A minimum of two (2) meetings will be required in the City of Lubbock to assist in the development of the City’s State Legislative Program.  Status updates will be presented to the City Council on a semi-annual basis and as-needed or required throughout the term of the Contract.
  3. Identify State grant opportunities; draft funding/grant applications in collaboration with the City, which addresses specific funding needs of the City; monitor and facilitate the progress of funding/grant applications through appropriate state agencies on behalf of the City, when requested.
  4. Assist the City in the preparation of appropriations requests and required sub-committee forms.
  5. Identify and aggressively act to obtain funding for the City of Lubbock projects.
  6. Review on a continuing basis all existing and proposed State policies, programs, and legislation.  Identify those issues that may affect the City or its citizens, and regularly inform the City on these matters.  Provide legal and legislative expertise and consulting services.
  7. Review the legislative policy statements adopted by the Texas Municipal League, National League of Cities and other local governments and lobbying groups for the purpose of identifying issues which may either positively or negatively affect the City.
  8. Identify other state legislation of interest to the City, monitor action on these initiatives, and advocate the City’s interest when appropriate.
  9. Monitor State legislative committee meetings, agency hearings and meetings prior to and during the regular and special legislative session(s) at which specific issues with the City’s adopted Legislative Program are considered, as well as other issues that may arise that affect the City.
  10. Work with the City Council, City Manager and designated staff to develop special or general legislation in keeping with, or supportive of, the City adopted Legislative Program.
  11. Develop and evaluate strategy for the support, opposition, or amendment of pending legislation.
  12. Testify and lobby before State legislative and appropriations committees as necessary on behalf of the City, during the annual legislative session, extended, or special session(s) and at legislative committee meetings. Assist City Mayor, Council Members and Staff when testifying.
  13. Appear and testify before agency hearings, rule making proceedings and other administrative agency or legislative meetings, as required, to promote, oppose, and seek passage of legislation affecting the City or its citizens, and specific legislation contained in the City’s Legislative Program.
  14. Coordinate appointments or meetings between the City Council, other designated individuals, and Congressional leaders.
  15. Assist the City in drafting any needed letters to State Congressional leaders regarding issues of interest and concern to the City of Lubbock.

Proposal due by October 31st, 2016 to:

Purchasing Department

City Hall, Room 204

1625 13th Street

Lubbock, TX 79401

Taylor PR & Edelman PR both have offices in Texas.

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