Market Research RFP Issued By Shared Path

Shared Path, with support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Resilient Communities Fund, is seeking (a) consultant(s) to help us research and implement new approaches, prepare for change and build resiliency.


Shared Path Consultation Initiative aims to facilitate and support Indigenous and local governments, institutions, and organizations to navigate the challenges of an emerging reconciliation landscape through research, education, and relationship-building opportunities and resources. We believe that planning can be a tool for supporting the creation of healthy and vibrant communities. Mutual flourishing requires understanding and changing how colonialism has shaped contemporary planning. This is crucial for planning a future that benefits all. Our work to date has been focused around workshops to provide learning and relationship-building opportunities and create a diverse network of people who support our mission.

The required services may be divided into two separate contracts and may be awarded separately. Consultants are welcome to bid on both.

The first contract will engage a consultant to conduct market research and provide recommendations on how our educational and relationship-building activities might become a reliable source of revenue generation. The contract start date will be March 1st, with recommendations ready by strategic planning workshop in early May 2021.

The second contract will engage a consultant to lead a two-day virtual strategic planning session with the board of directors and staff to produce a new strategic plan with effective strategies to deliver our mission and build relationships digitally.

Scope of Work:


Goal: Improve and increase ability to access financial resources and develop new/alternative sources of revenue for Shared Path so that we become financially sustainable.

Expected activities:

·         Interview board members, staff and others in the Shared Path network about mission, vision, values, past/upcoming opportunities, corporate structure and roles

·         Market research on demand and willingness to pay for third party facilitated stakeholder engagement with Indigenous communities, demand for education/training on Indigenous relations, education and training needs of Indigenous communities, etc. Ontario

·         Examine current membership structure and benefits, research member needs and willingness to pay

Expected deliverables:

·         Recommend which activities to undertake to generate revenue (outside of membership fees) and how to structure these activities (example through partnerships, set up separate entity, staffing, role of board)

·         Recommend member benefits that will attract new members and grow our membership, along with accompanying fee range

·         Recommend target partners/customers/clients and accompanying communications

·         Attend strategic planning session with board to present and discuss recommendations

Budget: Maximum $8,000

Timeline of work: March – early May 2021 (approximately 10 weeks)

Deadline to submit a proposal: submit to by 5pm Friday, February 19, 2021

Proposal requirements:

·         Please describe how you would undertake the above-mentioned activities, as well as any additional activities, within the required timeline and budget.

·         Please describe previously completed contracts/experience that have prepared you for this project.

·         Please describe your experience in the areas of planning, stakeholder relations, Indigenous engagement, business development, and/or membership management.

·         Please provide contact information of a previous client for whom you have undertaken similar work.

·         Please keep your submission to under 3 pages (not including CV)


Goal: Create a new 5-year strategic plan for Shared Path with effective strategies to deliver our mission and build relationships digitally

Expected activities:

·         Meet with staff and executive board members to determine agenda and activities for 5-year strategic planning session

·         Prepare tools for strategic planning session and review Shared Path background documents

·         Facilitate 2-day virtual strategic planning session.  Guide board through discussions around key questions such as: What kind of online activities should we be undertaking (and how frequently) to keep members engaged and grow our membership base? What platforms are Indigenous communities using most? How do we continue to reach and engage our Indigenous members who may live on a reserve with limited internet capability? How can we build meaningful connections and relationships between communities online? How do we create room for informal connecting and discussions about land management between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples online?

·         Use notes and other outputs of session to draft high level strategic plan

Expected deliverables:

·         2-day virtual strategic planning workshop in May 2021

·         Notes from workshop

·         Draft high-level strategic plan with effective strategies to deliver the Shared Path mission and build relationships digitally

Budget: Maximum $5,000

Timeline of work: Mid-April to mid-May

Deadline to submit a proposal: submit to by 5pm Friday, April 2nd

Proposal requirements:

·         Please describe how you would undertake the above-mentioned activities, as well as any additional activities, within the required timeline and budget.

·         Please describe previously completed contracts/experience that have prepared you for this project.

·         Please describe your experience in the areas of workshop facilitation, strategic planning, online engagement, and Indigenous engagement.

·         Please provide contact information of a previous client for whom you have undertaken similar work.

·         Please keep your submission to under 3 pages (not including CV)

All questions can be directed to

Due Date:

April 2nd


Relevant agencies to consider include Prosek Partners and Finn Partners.

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