Marketing RFP Issued By Alabama Virtual Library

Marketing RFP Issued By Alabama Virtual Library

The Alabama Virtual Library is seeking responses to this RFP for the creation, deployment, and maintenance of marketing tools and strategy to encourage usage, reassure legislators and taxpayers of money effectively spent, and define a branding that allows users to verify the validity of the information they are seeking.


The Alabama Virtual Library Council is seeking products and services in this RFP to support the reach of the widest audience possible of the valuable resources provided to Alabama residents through the AVL’s website. The Council realizes that the value of social media, graphics, videos, tutorials, promotional materials, education, and other marketing tools is invaluable to reaching a wide audience. The Council has agreed that the utilization of a marketing team would be the most efficient and professional approach.

Scope of Work:

An evaluation team will review the proposals and make a recommendation. The criteria listed below will be used to evaluate the proposals for the purpose of ranking them in relative position based on how fully each proposal meets the requirements of this RFP. Evaluation Criteria: Vendor qualifications and experience 50 points Detailed description and delivery of products and services 50 points Best and Final Offers: The AVL may either accept a vendor’s initial proposal by the award of a contract or enter into discussions with vendors whose proposals are deemed to be reasonably acceptable for consideration of an award. After discussions are concluded, a vendor may be allowed to submit a “Best and Final Offer” for consideration in a manner and method prescribed by the AVL. By submitting a proposal each vendor accepts and agrees to all conditions and requirements herein. The AVL will make all decisions regarding evaluation of the proposal. The AVL reserves the right to judge and determine whether a request is compliant with and has satisfactorily met the requirements of the RFP. The AVL reserves the rights to waive technical and other defects if, in its judgment, the interest of the AVL so requires. Any further information disclosed about the RFP during this process will be provided to all vendors in a manner and method prescribed by the AVL.

The Alabama Virtual Library is requesting proposals from qualified contractors that will provide marketing services, including social media posts and monitoring, calendaring, graphic art creation, video creation, and communication regarding the many benefits and resources that are provided to the residents of Alabama via the Alabama Virtual Library. Taking a multi-faceted approach will be essential; the more ways information is seen by the public, the more clearly the AVL will accomplish the purpose of the marketing plan. Ways to disseminate information about the AVL are listed below (though no list can be exhaustive, and some of these will overlap). Any method listed (and those that are not) must be maintained in a useful and consistent way, or its purposefulness will be lessened. 

• Social Media presence should see consistent and frequent messaging across platforms. A minimum posting for each is listed below to the appropriate platform. 

o Facebook (minimum two per week) 

o Twitter (minimum four per week) 

o Instagram (minimum two per week)

o YouTube (minimum one per week) 

• Presence at events or organizations (or the arrangement of representation at such events or organizations) o Presence at events should be photographed or videoed. Posts to social media, using appropriate hashtags and comment-monitoring, should be live or timely. 

• Dissemination of promotional materials 

• Educating/training the public about AVL’s value 

o Minimum of one monthly online training for the general public. 

o Minimum of one monthly online training for specialized groups 

♣ Public Librarians 

♣ Schools 

• College level 

• High School level 

• Elementary level 

o Additional training as requested, either on-site or online 

• Google Business site 

• Flyers/Brochures 

• School/Library features The successful candidate will have the capability to seamlessly incorporate all facets of the above, plus maintain a log of communications. Any communication with the public must be documented, and any log maintained must be submitted regularly to the AVL Council for their records of public engagement. All social media accounts maintained will be expected to have a high level of engagement with the public; any messages/comments received through these venues will be answered quickly and accurately. All messages sent will be appropriate to the content; if questions arise about the messages to be sent, the Alabama Virtual Library Council will be consulted to verify accuracy or appropriateness of the communication to the public. Graphics to be used are expected to mirror or compliment the graphics or logo on the website. Branding is expected to be consistent. AVL Logo should appear in all graphics. Vendor will supply all equipment and software necessary to maintain a successful promotional campaign. Products created for the AVL become intellectual property of the AVL, protected by copyright with the AVL as the copyright owner.

Due Date:

August 22 


J. Renee Marty Librarian, Chair of F.O.C.U.S. and the AVL Council Chairman 801 Main Street NW Hanceville, AL 35077 Email:

Agencies worth considering include Hunter PR and APCO Worldwide. 

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