Marketing RFP Issued By Allegan County

1.1 Allegan County Senior Services (ACSS) is dedicated to serving Allegan County seniors by developing and coordinating services that support their independence, maintain their dignity, and preserve their quality of life.

1.2 Funding for these services is provided through a 4-year millage that was passed in August of 2018 and expires in December of 2022.

1.3 As detailed in Attachment A, for the purpose of increasing awareness of the Millage Services available to the senior population in Allegan County, Contractor shall:

1.3.1 Develop Primary Marketing and Communication Materials (Task 1);

1.3.2 Develop a Strategic Marketing Campaign (Task 2);

1.3.3 Develop Additional Marketing and Communication Materials (Task 3, if bid and awarded); and

1.3.4 Develop Advertising Materials (Task 4, if bid and awarded).

1.4 Contractor shall follow all state, local and CDC issued COVID guidelines during inperson interactions necessary to complete this scope of work.


In 2006, the citizens of Allegan County voted to provide for it’s senior citizens through a Senior Millage.  These funds provide the following services:

  • Adult Day Care
  • Home Delivered Meals
  • In Home Supports
  • Personal Emergency Response Systems
  • Senior Transportation

But it’s more than that; it’s the voters giving back to those who came before us.  Most of the advances we enjoy today in technology, medicine, agriculture, etc. are a direct result of the efforts made by citizens that are no longer part of the work force; senior citizens.  Through their dedication to improving our communities, we all enjoy a better quality of life.  Senior Services is committed to providing the necessary supports that allow the seniors of Allegan County to remain independent in the homes where they have lived and raised their families for as long as possible.

Scope of Work:

2.1 Contractor shall develop for ACSS a suite of primary marketing materials targeted to appeal to older adults and their families that at a minimum, includes the following elements:

2.1.1 Logo: Design a minimum of three conceptual ACSS logos that are unique, but aligned with the County’s logo and its variations (Figure 1) from which ACSS can select one as a finalist. Work with ACSS to refine the selected logo as requested to produce a high-quality professional digital graphic product. Logo shall be designed to be well defined and visually appealing whether printed in color or grayscale. Deliver to ACSS a high quality professional logo in various common digital formats in both color and grayscale. At least one version of the logo should be delivered in a scalable vector based format to allow ACSS to print the logo in a large format on posters and banners. One version should be appropriate for ACSS to insert into letter-size documents. One version should be appropriately sized for use by ACSS on websites. Figure 1 County logo (left) and Engagement Tem logo (right)

2.1.2 Tagline: Develop at least five taglines that capture the essence of the vision, mission and values of ACSS and the County in delivering senior’s millage services to its customers. Several variations have been internally generated and used, but ACSS desires to consider alternatives and pick a finalist. 

2.1.3 Marketing Brochure: Develop a professional, attractive, single sheet draft marketing brochure that provides a comprehensive overview of the senior millage and the suite of services available from ACSS. Design, content and lettering size must be appropriate for easy legibility and comprehension by older adults. Make any changes requested by ACSS to the draft and deliver a final version in digital format which may require several iterations. The marketing brochure is self-printed on a color laser printer by ACSS in small batches as needed and the final design must have a white background. Color, solid fills and pictures may be used for effect but should be used sparingly to minimize printing costs. A copy of the current brochure is provided in Exhibit A for reference. Contractor is expected to suggest appropriate edits and changes to the current content and wording to make the brochure a more effective communication tool, not just to modify the format and style.

2.1.4 Client Handbook: Develop a professional, attractive, multi-page Client Handbook (booklet) that provides comprehensive details about ACSS, the COA, the senior millage, the suite of services available from ACSS and references for other available community resources. Design, content and lettering size must be appropriate for easy legibility and comprehension by older adults. Make any changes requested by ACSS to the draft and deliver a final version in digital format which may require several iterations. The Client Handbook is commercially printed at a local copy shop in batches of about 1,000 as needed and the final design must have a white background to save on printing costs. Color, solid fills and pictures may be used for effect but should be used sparingly to minimize printing costs. A copy of the current brochure is provided in Exhibit B for reference. Contractor is expected to suggest appropriate edits and changes to the current content and wording to make the handbook a more effective communication tool, not just to modify the format and style. 

2.1.5 Provider Caption: Create a small caption (ACSS logo, tagline, contact info, etc.) that contracted service providers used by ACSS can easily add to their printed marketing materials (typically a tri-fold brochure or 1/3 sheet card stock) and embed on their websites to acknowledge ACSS and the Allegan County Senior Millage as the funding source for the services being provided.

2.1.6 Marketing Board: Create a new large format for use during fairs and promotional/informational events to replace the current board shown in Figure 2 (left). New board should incorporate newly developed elements (logo, tagline, etc.) and have a similar look to the Veteran Services display board (Figure 2 – right) which is typically displayed adjacently. Both board have existing stands. A final proof is to be reviewed and approved by ACSS before printing. As deliverables, Contractor shall provide a new ACSS marketing display printed on an 18” x 24” foamboard (or approved alternate) along with a digital file.

2.1.7 All materials shall be delivered in their native digital file format in an unlocked state to allow the County to make future edits and updates.

2.1.8 All deliverables shall become the property of the County.

2.1.9 The County shall have unrestricted rights to further modify, copy and distribute all deliverables.

Task 2 – Develop Strategic Marketing Campaign 

3.1 Contractor shall develop for ACSS a comprehensive annual marketing campaign aimed at achieving the following goals:

3.1.1 Raising awareness of available senior millage services among County residents.

3.1.2 Increasing utilization of these services among eligible older adults.

3.1.3 Introducing Senior Services Staff and Commission on Aging members.

3.1.4 Promoting major annual events such as, but not limited to, Boomer Bash and Senior Day at the Fair.

3.1.5 Spotlighting contracted professional service providers and their staff.

3.1.6 Highlighting issues important to aging adults and related advocacy efforts / opportunities.

3.2 Facebook (Social Media): Contractor, in consultation with ACSS, shall develop, refine and deliver a plan for posting strategic content to Facebook twice a month over 12 month period (annual cycle). This plan shall include a brief summary of the content planned for each scheduled post. 

3.3 Newsletter: Contractor shall develop a professional looking quarterly newsletter template in Microsoft Word or Publisher that can be printed to PDF and possibly on paper for distribution to interested parties, primarily via email. Contractor shall provide a mock-up of one newsletter with proposed standard content sections and incorporate any changes suggested by ACSS. It is expected that a significant portion of the actual content will be drawn from routine Facebook posts.

3.4 Commercial Advertising Campaign: Contractor shall analyze and present options to ACSS for a short-term commercial advertising campaign designed to reach seniors in Allegan County through print, radio and television media outlets (e.g. Senior Times and Senior Preferences for print; WQXC Oldies 100.9 for radio; Wood TV8 for television). For each of the three types of media outlets, Contractor shall identify at least three of the best options and include a suggested advertising plan for each. This plan shall include recommendations on the following for each option (where applicable to the type of media):

3.4.1 Best day(s) for advertising; 

3.4.2 Best time(s) for advertising;

3.4.3 Ad duration / size (e.g. 15 or 30 seconds for radio and TV; 3”x4” or full page for print);

3.4.4 Frequency (e.g. how many times per day / week);

3.4.5 Run Time (e.g. 1 week, 1 month);

3.4.6 Expected market penetration; and

3.4.7 Unit pricing and total pricing.

After presenting options to ACSS, Contractor shall work with ACSS to develop a final marketing plan around those options that aligns with the ACSS budget and desired outcomes. Contractor shall then coordinate, schedule and implement this final marketing plan on behalf of the County. Cost for this task shall include design and production of all advertising material to be printed. Content and production of radio and TV advertisements is to be quoted separately under Task 3 or will be provided by ACSS through a third party if Contractor is unable to provide radio and TV ad production services.

Task 3 – Develop Additional Marketing and Communication Materials

4.1 Mass Mailing: ACSS wishes to do a one-time mass mailing to eligible seniors in the County and has a listing of 31,154 addresses. Contractor shall prepare a postcard (meeting United States Postal Service postcard standards) containing an appropriate message developed in consultation with ACSS. Once a final version of the postcard is developed, proofed and approved by ACSS, Contractor shall print and mail postcards to the recipients provided by ACSS in reasonable size batches determined by ACSS to ensure that ACSS staff can respond to any ensuing inquiries in a timely manner.

4.2 Phone Survey: Contractor shall call and connect with 15 randomly selected clients from each service (In-home supports, Home Delivered Meals, Adult Day Care, PERS and Transportation). ACSS will work with Contractor to develop appropriate survey questions and send out an advance communication to selected clients to solicit/ensure willingness to participate. Through this survey, it is also desired to identify appropriate individuals that would be have an interest in sharing/providing content for Facebook posts, video presentations and radio/television ads. 

4.3 Produce Video Presentation for Seniors and their Families: If bid and awarded, Contractor shall design, produce, record and deliver a 5 to 7 minute professional quality video that highlights the services offered through ACSS targeted at seniors and their families. Details should be provided on what services are available, how to request services, how eligibility is determined, and what to expect. This video would primarily be posted on the ACSS website and shown on a video loop during informational events. To ensure the ability to use the video for several years, video must not incorporate content that is time-bound or will become quickly out of date.

4.4 Produce Video Presentation for Officials, Partners and the Public: If bid and awarded, Contractor shall design, produce, record and deliver a 5 to 7 minute professional quality video that highlights the services offered through ACSS, how they are funded, how many seniors are being served with some personal success stories from seniors and their families. The main purpose of the video would be to provide general high-level information and convince people that the services have significant value and merit continued support. This video would primarily be shared at community meetings and events to a broad general audience and would also be posted on the ACSS website. To ensure the ability to use the video for several years, video must not incorporate content that is time-bound or will become quickly out of date. 

4.5 Facebook Post Content Development: If bid and awarded, Contractor shall develop and deliver the Facebook post content identified in Section 3.3 for a one-year period (2 posts per month, 24 posts total). ACSS shall review the content and make the actual posts to Facebook. Post content may include event information, interviews with professional caregivers, ACSS staff profiles, etc.

Task 4 – Develop Advertising Materials 

5.1 Produce Radio Advertisement: If bid and awarded, Contractor shall design and produce a radio advertisement of the specified duration. Contractor shall work in close consultation with ACSS through each stage of ad development from concept to production. Deliverable to ACSS shall be ready to air without additional modification.

5.2 Produce Television Advertisement: If bid and awarded, Contractor shall design and produce a television advertisement of the specified duration. Contractor shall work in close consultation with ACSS through each stage of ad development from concept to production. Deliverable to ACSS shall be ready to air without additional modification.

Due Date:

April 29, 2021


Allegan County 3283 122nd Ave Allegan, MI 49010

Relevant agencies to consider include Finn partners and Ruder Finn.

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