Indigenous Services Canada must work with First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, communities, and organizations to communicate about urgent/time-sensitive information, particularly COVID19-related information. Products that the Department intends to distribute include ongoing information about COVID-19 supports and financial benefits, and in particular a series of public service announcements and information to encourage Indigenous Peoples to get vaccinated to protect their health and that of others.
To communicate urgent/time-sensitive information, particularly COVID-19-related information, to First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, communities, and organizations, including media.
The Communications Branch sits within Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and serves Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC), three Ministers (the Minister of Indigenous Services, the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations and the Minister of Northern Affairs), the Deputy Minister and Associate Deputy Minister for CIRNAC and the Deputy Minister and Associate Deputy Minister for ISC. In addition, the Branch supports other government departments in bringing the Indigenous lens on programs across government. Indigenous Services Canada must work with First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, communities, and organizations to communicate about urgent/time-sensitive information, particularly COVID-19-related information. Products that the Department intends to distribute include ongoing information about COVID19 supports and financial benefits, and in particular a series of public service announcements and information to encourage Indigenous Peoples to get vaccinated to protect their health and that of others. To distribute these products to First Nations, Inuit and Métis leaders, communities and media, Indigenous Services Canada must use direct marketing and outreach tools
Scope of Work:
The contractor must provide the following services on an as needed basis: 4.1 Distribute content widely to First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities across Canada using an established database (through public service announcements and hosting services) 4.2 Provide an electronic report in PDF or word to the Project Authority on results of distribution of each product distribution, separated by distinctions (i.e. First Nations, Inuit and Métis) and region (overall reach or response rate must be demonstrated.) 4.3 Must have ability to host a landing page of some sort for placement/access of copy translated into select Indigenous languages and dialects SW5 LANGUAGE OF WORK As a Department of the federal government, ISC is required under the Official Languages Act to provide its services in either official language of Canada. The language of work may be either in English, French or both. The work will be conducted in English. Solicitation No.: 1000229789 Page 21 of 30 GCDOCS # 98191313 SW6 DEPARTMENTAL SUPPORT The Department will provide communications products in English, French, and sometimes Indigenous languages as well, to be distributed/communicated with First Nations, Inuit and Métis groups across Canada. Communications products will be mainly in Word and PDF format, but also in audio and video. SW7 WORK LOCATION The work will be completed at the contractor’s premises.
Due Date: 2021-11-12 2PM
Bids (and any amendments thereto) must be submitted electronically only, in PDF format, to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) by the date, time and to the e-mail address indicated on page 1 of the Request for Proposals. Transmission of Bids (and any amendments thereto) submitted by any other means to ISC will not be accepted.
Hunter PR and Finn Partners are agencies worth considering for this assignment.