
The Iowa Dept. of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is seeking a quote for PSA marketing on social media platforms throughout Iowa. This Educational and Outreach Campaign will promote awareness of the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule and how it may effect fruit and vegetable growers in Iowa. The targeted audience for this program will be a subset of the state’s agricultural producers: primarily the state’s commercial fruit and vegetable growers. The campaign will alert growers on where to turn to learn more about the FDA-approved (and Produce Safety Alliance-sanctioned) summer and fall technical assistance events, including one on one “On Farm Readiness Review” opportunities


The approximately 345 employees of the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship are responsible for a wide range of programs that affect the quality of life of every Iowan.  Both Iowans living on the farm and those in our towns and cities are impacted almost daily by the work of the Department.

Land stewardship is central to the work of the Department.  The Division of Soil Conservation & Water Quality provides farmers with expertise and funds to help them install practices that preserve our highly productive soil, prevent erosion and protect our critical waterways.  The Department is focused on making sure future Iowans can experience the same high quality of life that past generations have enjoyed in our state.

2020 Iowa Water Quality Initiative Annual Report

2020 Iowa Soil Conservation Cost Share Annual Report

The Consumer Protection & Industry Services Division and the Food Safety & Animal Health Division are responsible for a wide variety of consumer protection and agriculture promotion programs  including regulating meat processingcommercial feed and fertilizer, pesticide applicationgrain warehouses and dealers and dairy production and processing.  The Weights and Measures Bureau makes sure both buyers and sellers are treated fairly at the gas pump, grocery store or grain elevator.

The State ClimatologistEntomologist, and Veterinarian are also all part of the Department.  Other areas of responsibility for the Department include Agriculture Statistics, and the Iowa Horse and Dog Breeding Program.

The Department helps promote the more than 170 farmers markets located across the state and administers the Farmers Market Nutrition Program for seniors and residents participating in the WIC program. It also is very involved in agricultural diversification and organic production.

The Century and Heritage Farm program, which recognizes farms that have been in the same family for 100 or 150 years respectively, is also run in partnership between the Department and Iowa Farm Bureau.

In all of these areas, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s mission is to provide leadership for all aspects of agriculture in Iowa, ensure consumer protection and promote the responsible use of our natural resources

Scope of Work:

If you are interested in this project, please provide details for a project that would:

· The Respondent should have extensive experience in branding and marketing related to agriculture/crops in the State of Iowa.

· Work with IDALS to create customized ads targeted to Iowa produce growers to create awareness of where they can go to learn more about the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and learn about On Farm Readiness Reviews, providing sample posts for consideration.

· Vendor shall provide performance metrics at the end of the campaign to show the ads successfully drove traffic to the website landing page. IDALS will own this data.

· Provide summary of the marketing campaign; provide a close-of-campaign written summary

· The campaign will target appropriate social media users in all regions of Iowa

· Contracting and invoicing through one contact.

· Campaign will run from mid-May 2021 through the end of June 2021 and focus on website promotion, accessing Produce Safety Rule assistance, and information on “On Farm Readiness Review” opportunities

Technical Proposal- The following will be considered in the technical evaluation and scoring

· Please provide an example(s) of a previously produced social media campaign by your organization.

· Please provide a proposed sample post for consideration.

· Please provide a proposed strategy for this project.

· Name the primary respondent contact person, and include his/her professional credentials.

Cost Proposal – The respondent shall provide its Cost Proposal in a separate attachment or envelope than the technical proposal

· Please provide the estimated itemized total cost of the proposal.

Due Date:

May 11


Jonathan Koele Wallace State Office Building 502 E. 9th St. Des Moines, IA 50319 (515) 281.6877

Relevant food agencies to consider are Finn Partners and Magrino PR.

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