Marketing RFP Issued By Ride Smart

transportation 2
transportation 2

SMART is the regional bus system in southeast Michigan providing approximately 10 million rides annually to get people to work, school, medical appointments, shopping centers, entertainment and cultural areas. SMART directly operates fixed route, Connector/Americans with Disability Act (ADA) paratransit service as well as on-demand microtransit services. Through the SMART Community Partnership Program (CPP), SMART partners with municipalities and organizations to support them in the operation of local paratransit services. SMART fixed route (large buses) operates 48 routes, 7 days a week, 22 hours a day. SMART paratransit service (small buses) called Connector, is an advanced reservation, curb-to-curb service designed primarily for older adults (65 years or older) and people with disabilities for trips to medical facilities, shopping or recreational activities. In accordance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) SMART provides complementary paratransit service for people who whose disability prevents them from using SMART’s fixed route service. The ADA service covers the same areas, times and transfers as SMART fixed route service. ADA Service area is available within 3/4 of a mile of any SMART regular fixed route, excluding commuter service such as Park & Ride routes.

SMART recently introduced to its mix of transit two new on-demand services: Quick Connect and Flex. Both services use technology-enabled transit apps to provide quick, flexible service within a zone. Quick Connect, in partnership with Moovit, is directly operated by SMART in the Farmington, Farmington Hills communities. SMART Flex, in partnership with Via, is a turn-key program operated by Via, is a flexible, on-demand service that uses small vans to provide short trips connecting people to and from local destinations or to and from SMART fixed route services. Flex operates with three zones, Dearborn, Troy and Hall Road corridor, people can request a ride using the App or phone number 7 days a week, during operating hours. Generally, the vehicle will arrive within 10-20 minutes to pick up the rider and is trackable on the app before and during each ride.

SMART has 76 CPP agreements throughout the region and provides funding, maintenance and technical support in the operations of local transit services. Communities participating in the CPP benefit from SMART’s ability to leverage federal funding to return it back to the communities for local transit services.

Scope of Work:

A. Objectives

• Increase awareness of SMART services and importance of transit for the region

• Educate audiences that SMART is:

o An essential service for many people throughout the region

o A convenient, reliable and an economical transportation option

o A safe way to travel

• Create story opportunities that generate media interest and coverage

B. Targeted Audience

• Core Audience

o Students

o Workers

o People with Disabilities

o Seniors (65 years and older)

o Transit dependent

o Business/Community leaders/elected officials

• New Audiences

o College Students

o Choice/Potential riders

o Non-riding public

o Businesses

The scope of work for each area is described but is not limited to the following areas:

C. Marketing / Advertising / Communications

1. Work with SMART to develop an annual Strategic Marketing and Communication plan

2. Provide creative, graphic design and content development to support the annual plan which may include digital, video, print, collateral material, and vehicle graphics, as requested.

3. Develop and apply branding across all communications

• Promote the SMART brand including positioning, personality, promise, differentiation, and value proposition.

4. Support Community Outreach efforts

5. Provide market strategy and market research consulting, as needed.

6. Provide media planning and management, as needed.

• Identify special media-buy opportunities. Vendor should make every effort to negotiate as much added value as possible.

7. Provide website content services, as needed.

8. Provide social media strategy development, content, and execution, as needed.

9. All recommended programs should include goals and measurable results.

D. Other

1. Provide social media analytics analysis and recommendations

2. Work wit

E. Deliverables of creative work product

1. Creative design work must be done in Adobe InDesign.

2. Upon completion, final artwork must be provided to SMART as editable InDesign/Illustrator/Photoshop files and include all linked artwork files.

3. SMART maintains ownership and retains the right to use any and all work produced by vendor during and after the contract period.

Due Date:

3:00 PM Eastern Time,

August 13, 2021



Procurement Department-Buhl Building

535 Griswold Street, Suite 600

Detroit, MI 48226

Electronic Submission Only

Return to Attention of:

Caleb J. Barrett

Relevant agencies to consider include Coyne PR and Finn Partners.

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