Marketing RFP Issued By State of Vermont

Marketing RFP Issued By State of Vermont
Marketing RFP Issued By State of Vermont

To continue a broad grassroots outreach program that focuses on direct contact with Vermont’s employers and businesses. The Go Vermont program intends to increase its brand awareness, traffic to the website, the number of registrants in its database, and to expand its current “network of advocacy”. The Contractor will provide and manage services for outreach and marketing of the Go Vermont Program ( on a turn-key basis.

At a minimum, the Contractor shall provide the following services:

• Account Planning

• Account Management

• Event Coordination and Staffing

• Community Relations

• Review of Materials

• Research

• Partner Recruitment

• Presentation and Report Development


Vermont has an extensive multimodal transportation system. With oversight from the Vermont Legislature, the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is responsible for planning, development, implementation, and maintenance of a variety of transportation infrastructure including, but not limited to, roads, bridges, state-owned railroads, airports, park and ride facilities, bicycle facilities, pedestrian paths, public transportation facilities and services, and Department of Motor Vehicles operations and motor carrier enforcement. VTrans serves the entire population of the State of Vermont.

VTrans has more than 1,300 employees organized in three divisions: Policy, Planning and Intermodal Development; Finance and Administration; and Highway. The Department of Motor Vehicles is also housed within the Agency of Transportation; it has a main office in Montpelier and ten satellite offices statewide.

VTrans interacts with all State agencies and agencies within the United States Department of Transportation, as well as other federal agencies, numerous regional and state governments and international jurisdictions and cross-border organizations, local governments, transit agencies, airports, railroads, and the other private and non-profit entities engaged in transportation-related activities.

Scope of Work:

  1. Planning

a. The Contractor shall develop a 12-month strategic plan for the overall Go Vermont program that builds on, or extends existing program marketing activity. The plan should consider current program strengths, areas of opportunity, and seek to maximize near-term program participation goals. These research-based plans are to be developed in conjunction with the Go Vermont Program Manager. Specific components will include:

i. A situation analysis summarizing the current state of the program and identifying grassroots market opportunities and external factors that may impact the program.

ii. Measurable goals and objectives.

iii. An individual component program strategy i.e., who will be the target markets for each program, what events will be attended, etc.

iv. Clearly spelled out specific strategies:

1. Detailed schedules and budgets.

2. Evaluation techniques.

  • Creative Development

The Go Vermont program has invested in a brand identity, logo, messaging and supporting marketing materials to establish awareness and support its objectives. The Contractor shall follow this established look and feel developed for this program. Strict adherence to existing creative material is vital to maintain awarenesss and to continue to build on accomplishments made in previous and ongoing marketing efforts.

The contractor shall provide the Go Vermont Program Manager with a variety of approaches to support this strategic plan. The contractor should seek to leverage existing promotional assets such as brochures, posters, promotions items, and the website. It is understood that materials may be edited to meet the specific audiences or outreach efforts.

  • Ongoing Program

The Contractor shall develop an outreach plan to engage the target audience directly. These efforts may include but are not limited to:

a. This will be considered an ongoing program where Go Vermont expects the Contractor to take the initiative.

b. Attending community farmers’ markets, festivals, and events to provide program information and pass out fliers, brochures, etc. Projected to be 8-10 events per year.

c. Meeting with local retailers and businesses to provide transit-related information and displays and/or partnership opportunities.

d. Promoting Go Vermont events and programs directly to the public through on-street messaging.

e. Providing Go Vermont with recommendations for participation in community events. Helping to develop, plan, organize and promote new TDM-related events.

F. Provide monthly written status reports, created and/or approved by VTrans, outlining the work performed under the agreement (specific visits, outcome, time, mileage, budget reconciliation, etc.).

g. Weekly correspondence with the programs manager will be required.

h. Provide additional information and/or services as they are identified throughout this initiative.

Due Date:

December 16


Contract Administration

Barre City Place

219 North Main Street, Suite 105

Barre VT 05641

Agencies worth considering for this assignment include M Booth and Headline media.

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