Media RFP Issued By Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

el paso texas rfp

The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (“TTUHSC”), a part of the Texas Tech University System, seeks proposals from qualified firms for Media Planning&Buying Services (the “Services”). The Services are more specifically described in Section 5.4 entitled Service Specifications.


TTUHSC has as its major objectives the provision of quality education and development of academic, research, patient care, and community service programs to meet the health care needs of West Texas, which in total is comprised of 108 counties and represents 50% of Texas’ land mass and 11% of its total population. This 131,000 square mile service area and population of 2.7 million has been, and remains highly underserved by health professionals and accessible health care facilities, despite the substantial and meaningful contribution made by our institution. While education of students and residents remains the primary focus of the institution, there has been an important impact on the health status of West Texas. Please visit the campus web sites for more information: 

· Abilene campus

· Amarillo campus

· Dallas/Fort Worth campus

· Lubbock campus

· Permian Basin campus TTUHSC Fact Book

Texas law authorizes institutions of higher education (defined by Section 61.003, Education Code) to use the group purchasing procurement method (ref. Sections 51.9335, 73.115, and 74.008, Education Code). Additional Texas institutions of higher education may therefore elect to enter into a contract with the successful Proposer under this RFP.

Scope of Work:

5.1 General 

The minimum requirements and the specifications for the Services, as well as certain requests for information to be provided by Proposer as part of its proposal, are set forth below. The successful Proposer is referred to as the “Contractor.” 

5.2 Minimum Requirements 

Each Proposal must include information that clearly indicates that Proposer meets each of the following minimum qualification requirements if applicable: Proposer is current with the State of Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (if applicable) Proposer can provide Certificate of Franchise Tax status. (if applicable) Proposer shall demonstrate evidence of certifications, permits, licenses and insurances as appropriate to provide the Services as required. 

5.3 Additional Requirements Specific to this RFP

Proposer must submit the following informational sections as part of Proposer’s proposal:

1. Proposer’s Service Approach

· Provide written detail documenting how proposed Service meets the requirements found in Section 5.4 Service Specifications.

2. Proposer’s Experience and Reputation

· Provide written detail about corporate background and experience.

· Provide at least 3 references (with names and contact information) and description of services from current or recent clients. These should include specifications and requirements most similar to those described in this RFP. 

3. Proposer’s Key Personnel / Staffing Qualifications

· Provide an overview of proposed human capital in the areas of:

* Account Management 

* Media Research, Planning and Buying

5.4 Services Specifications 

Overview: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center is seeking to select a qualified firm(s) to provide Media Planning & Buying Services for TTUHSC’s Marketing and Communications Office. Awarded Contractor(s) must be readily available to perform Services on behalf of any or all TTUHSC campuses.

Required Services: Market research and media planning and buying services in traditional and emerging media channels. Contractor will provide well-researched media buy proposals for local, state- and nation-wide media buys. Contractor’s focus on cost efficiency as well as effectiveness in reaching target audiences in line with campaign objectives and strategic marketing initiatives will be of the highest priority. Contractor will additionally traffic, track and monitor all media placements, providing due diligence, weekly updates and reporting. Services include, but are not limited to quantitative and qualitative market research, media research, media buying, media invoice reconciliation, securing “make goods” and credits, tracking and reporting, postbuy analyses, trafficking of ads to media, added value negotiation, production, and creative and earned media support as requested.

A. Account Management. 


(a) The Contractor will provide marketing analysis, research and strategic planning as well as project management and successful execution of marketing plans as an extention of the Office of Communications and Marketing as needed. 

(b) Contractor will provide competent and experienced staff for TTUHSC account, as needed to develop and maintain a positive, productive relationship and to meet all agreed upon project timelines

(c) TTUHSC expects that personnel assigned to its account management team will serve diligently throughout the term of the contract. Each member of the account team shall be assigned for at least a twelve-month period, unless TTUHSC should request the replacement of a member or a member leaves the Contractor’s employment. Any changes to the account team must be discussed with and any proposed replacements must be approved in writing by TTUHSC. (d)If requested, team personnel shall be available to timely attend planning meetings, budget reconciliation meetings, and quarterly meetings. To facilitate transition between contractors, the Contractor shall, at no cost to TTUHSC, attend start-up meetings with appropriate TTUHSC representatives. These meetings will address TTUHSC’s expectations and the transition of current and proposed projects. The Contractor should be able to participate in videoconferencing with TTUHSC representatives throughout the contract term.

(d) Contractor will provide assistance in the development of a service request control mechanism or process in conjunction with the TTUHSC Office of Communications and Marketing

B. Media Research, Planning and Buying.


(a) The Contractor must provide management of the media purchases, including without limitation researching, recommending, planning, placing, tracking, and reconciling all media. The Contractor will acquire various media and related services with third-parties on behalf of TTUHSC. These acquisitions will be reimbursed to the Contractor. A mark-up or commission may or may not be allowed depending on the circumstances.

(b) Note, TTUHSC is a nonprofit educational institution and is eligible for discount pricing and tax exemption. The Contractor must also directly pay all the media and creative invoices and submit these expenses monthly, or in line with campaign timelines, to TTUHSC for reimbursement. TTUHSC, as a non-profit educational institution and an agency of the State of Texas, is exempt from State of Texas Sales Taxes for purchases of goods and services made on its behalf. TTUHSC will provide Contractor with of copy of its exemption certificate

Due Date:

4:30 PM, Central Time on July 20th, 2020


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Purchasing Office Attention: Solicitation Manager – RFP 739-SL2640641

Agencies worth considering include Zeno Group and Finn Partners.

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