MSRC Clean Transportation Funding Issues Public Relations RFP

MSRC Clean Transportation Funding Issues Public Relations RFP
MSRC Clean Transportation Funding Issues Public Relations RFP

The purpose of this RFP is to retain a public relations firm, communications firm, or other public or private entity (consultant) to assist the MSRC in promoting mobile source emission reduction programs funded under the AB 2766 MSRC Discretionary Fund, referred to as MSRC Clean Transportation Funding™ Programs, as well as providing outreach assistance to current and prospective MSRC project implementers.

It is envisioned that the scope of Programmatic Outreach Services will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

                ▪ Development and dissemination of press releases pertaining to specific MSRC-sponsored projects or programs;

                ▪ Development and dissemination of programmatic outreach, public awareness, and marketing materials to the general public and/or targeted markets;

                ▪ Provide direct outreach assistance to current and potential MSRC contractors as well as participants, users, and stakeholders of specific MSRC-sponsored programs.

The selected consultant will work closely with the MSRC-TAC, the MSRC Contracts Administrator, and the MSRC Technical Advisor. The consultant will also interface with the South Coast AQMD’s Public Affairs office, as well as with similar departments at MSRC member agencies.


The AB 2766 Discretionary Fund was enacted by the California State Legislature to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles, including automobiles, trucks, buses, etc. Over the past 28 years, the MSRC has funded the implementation of hundreds of projects. Examples of air pollution reduction strategies pursued by the MSRC include incentives for the purchase of alternative-fuel vehicles and their supporting infrastructure, replacement of old, high-polluting engines with new, cleaner engines, implementation of ridesharing and other transportation demand management programs, public education programs, and research and development projects.

Every one to three years, the MSRC, with assistance from its Technical Advisory Committee (MSRC-TAC), undertakes a Work Program development effort that establishes their funding priorities and identifies the specific categories for which projects will be solicited.

Scope of Work:

The following paragraphs outline the broad parameters of the Programmatic Outreach Services sought by the MSRC. Not all tasks or subtasks outlined below will necessarily be authorized during the performance of any ensuing contract. The MSRC reserves the right to modify or substitute Tasks on an as-needed basis during the contracted period of performance. In addition, Special Projects may be assigned via Task Order at any time during the contract period of performance.

                Task 1 – Development of Programmatic Outreach Strategy

                With input from the MSRC-TAC, and with consideration of budgetary constraints, CONTRACTOR shall develop an Outreach Strategy outlining supplemental activities to be undertaken under this contract as well as activities which might be undertaken in subsequent years through the end of 2024. CONTRACTOR shall present the Outreach Strategy to the MSRC for review and approval. CONTRACTOR shall revise the Outreach Strategy as directed by the MSRC. Based on the approved Outreach Strategy, additional Tasks shall be identified and Task Orders issued by the MSRC Contracts Administrator. The Outreach Strategy shall include, at a minimum:

                                ▪ A description of Special Projects and focused outreach activities recommended for implementation by the Programmatic Outreach Coordinator;

                                ▪ The recommended implementation timing for each Special Project or related focused outreach activity identified above,

                                ▪ The targeted audience for each identified Special Project or focused outreach;

                                ▪ Marketing and outreach materials to be developed in support of Special Projects and focused outreach activities, including a rough-order-of-magnitude budget estimate for materials and labor;

                                ▪ Identification of other products to be developed in support of Special Project and focused outreach.

                Task 2 – Outreach and Promotion of MSRC Work Program Achievements

                Assist the MSRC in the promotion of the MSRC Clean Transportation Funding™ Program. Contractor shall develop strategies for on-going communication between the MSRC and local government agencies, councils of governments, other public agencies, the media, community organizations, legislators, private entities, contractors, and the general public. Also, the contractor will provide outreach support to existing MSRC contractors, by assisting them with the promotion of their MSRC-funded projects. Programmatic outreach activities under this Task  include, at a minimum:

                CONTRACTOR shall identify opportunities/venues for CONTRACTOR, MSRC and MSRC-TAC members, and MSRC staff to promote MSRC clean air achievements, including accomplishments of MSRC contractors and participating stakeholders. CONTRACTOR shall describe and provide analysis of the communication value posed by each opportunity, considering such factors as the relation to the MSRC’s current and recently concluded Work  Programs, the potential size, and composition of the audience, and any costs to participate.  CONTRACTOR shall submit each description and analysis to the MSRC Contracts Administrator as opportunities are identified.

                MSRC contractor support activity may include meeting with contractors, drafting press releases,  assisting with media, attending community events related to the project, and assisting with key speaking points.

                Upon direction, CONTRACTOR shall perform a content review of the MSRC website. CONTRACTOR shall support the preparation of material for inclusion on the MSRC’s website, including editorial suggestions and content for the electronic newsletter. CONTRACTOR shall regularly review the content of the MSRC Facebook page and provide editorial suggestions and content.

                Task 3 – Development and Dissemination of Marketing/Promotional Materials

                Develop marketing/promotional materials tailored to the media, the general public or other MSRC-targeted markets. Materials shall promote the environmental, health, social, and economic benefits of the MSRC’s Clean Transportation Funding™ efforts. This can include materials such as letters to the editor as well as a crisis communication plan that may be needed for rapid response to news issues/opportunities. Incorporate costs of translation into language(s) other than English, when appropriate. Programmatic outreach activities under this task shall include,      at a minimum:

                                ▪ Design and update promotional materials as needed;

                                ▪ Development of press releases, press kits, or other materials tailored specifically to the print and broadcast media.

                Task 4 – Participation in Events and Meetings

                Participate in outreach coordination meetings with MSRC staff at least every other month. At the direction of the MSRC or MSRC staff, participate in other sessions, special events, technical conferences, etc. This includes, at a minimum:

                                ▪ Attendance and participation in MSRC, MSRC-TAC, and TAC Subcommittee meetings as requested to solicit input and provide status reports on outreach and promotional activities and to remain current on program activities.

                Task 5 – Strategic Market Direction for MSRC Work Programs

                The MSRC Work Programs may be impacted by upcoming local, regional, and state budget and regulatory efforts. Taking into account existing tools available to update the MSRC on these impacts, the Outreach Coordinator shall provide necessary market research and information gathering on regulatory direction and emerging strategies. The Coordinator will identify possible new strategic directions and partnership opportunities for the MSRC to address, enabling the MSRC to respond to these changes and to perform and communicate its mission in a more effective manner. CONTRACTOR shall, at a minimum:

                                ▪ Review the monthly South Coast AQMD legislative agenda, as well as other materials from the South Coast AQMD, other environmental agencies, and the State, which outline budget and regulatory efforts with possible impacts to the MSRC;

                                ▪ Research and clarify impact of these efforts on the MSRC Work Program; and possible impacts on the MSRC Work Programs;

                                ▪ If directed by the MSRC, provide outreach to these entities about the successes and possible impacts to the MSRC Work Programs; and

                                ▪ If directed by the MSRC, assist with coordinating contacts with potential program partners.

Due Date:

June 19th, 2019.


Procurement Unit

South Coast Air Quality Management District

21865 Copley Drive

Diamond Bar, CA 91765

Agencies worth considering for this assignment include MWWPR and W2O group.

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