New Mexico Lottery Issues Advertising RFP

New Mexico Lottery Issues Advertising RFP

New Mexico Lottery Issues Advertising RFP

New Mexico Lottery has issued an advertising RFP.  It has the following objectives:

  • Maximizing net revenue from NMLA sales for the beneficiaries designated by the New Mexico Legislature.
  • Conducting advertising and related programs in a manner that promotes the positive image and integrity of the NMLA and the programs funded with NMLA proceeds.
  • Marketing NMLA products effectively, creatively and efficiently in accordance with the New Mexico Lottery Act and within any rules, regulations, procedures or policies officially adopted by the New Mexico Lottery.
  • Maximizing value of the NMLA’s advertising budget.


Planning and Reporting

  1. Assist in the development of the annual Advertising, Marketing and Communications plan, ensuring that it helps to achieve the goals and objectives identified in the NMLA Strategic Plan.
  2. Provide input for planning, coordinating and executing specific portions of the NMLA’s annual Advertising, Marketing and Communications plan, and making professional recommendations for revisions and/or modifications based upon sales, market conditions and other contributing factors.
  3. Interact and work with NMLA staff and other marketing vendors to provide integration of Advertising, Marketing and Communications plans and achieve the NMLA’s overall objectives and goals, including but not limited to:
    • At the discretion of the NMLA, a minimum of weekly meetings with NMLA staff to discuss concepts, development, production and other issues related to marketing/sales issues; and
  4. Provide to the NMLA full Professional Advertising and Related Services and advice during the term of the Contract, including, assisting in the overall advertising, marketing and communications analysis, strategy development and positioning of the NMLA and its products.
  5. Assist in the development of the annual advertising budget. The budget should show a breakdown of expenditures by advertising medium and anticipated product campaigns.
  6. As requested, provide written creative presentations for campaigns.

Creative Services

The NMLA currently has a Marketing staff composed of five (5) positions: Director of Advertising & Marketing, Lead Graphic Designer, two (2) Graphic Designers, and one (1) Animator. The following items are currently managed, created and produced by the NMLA’s in-house marketing team:

  • Television spots
  • Animated player advertising spots
  • Radio spots (recorded in the NMLA’s in-house recording studio and composed by staff)
  • Digital media
  • POS materials, signage, sales materials and publications
  • Events
  • Promotions
  • Public Relations & Communications
  • Website content
  • Social Media (Facebook) content
  • Internal and external presentations
  • VIP Club member promotions and messaging

While the items listed above are currently managed in house, there may be need for assistance during the contract period.

The Successful Offeror will:

  1. As requested, create and produce Professional Advertising and Related Services for the NMLA’s existing products, new products and special projects such as, but not limited to:
    • Creative services for television and radio production including, but not limited  to, scripts, pre-production, production, editing and finalization of spots;
    • Creative concepts for Spanish-language spots.
    • Creative services for print production including, but not limited to, production and finalization of advertisements;
    • Creative services for digital artwork;
    • Concepts, artwork and /or copy for social media content;
    • Concepts, content, artwork and/or copy for website content;
    • Concepts, design and/or artwork for in-store communications;
    • Artwork for outdoor production;
    • Art Direction services for broadcast, print, digital and outdoor production; and
    • Concepts, design and/or artwork complimentary (of a similar look and with similar messages) to the advertising materials created in-house by NMLA employees and/or independent contracts retained by the NMLA.
  1. Adhere to schedules which may be adopted from time to time between the NMLA and the Successful Offeror to ensure that radio and/or television commercials, print advertising, point-of-sale materials, digital media and other related materials are completed in advance of the start of the NMLA game or campaign for which the materials are being produced.

Events and Promotions

The NMLA currently reviews, negotiates and procures events, sponsorships and promotions. In the event the NMLA requests assistance, the Successful Offeror will, as requested and with NMLA approval: review, recommend, and procure events and promotions for the NMLA. This may include but is not limited to: staffing assistance; materials and set-up needs; and post-analysis.

Communications and Public Relations

As requested, provide services and assistance with Communications and Public relations including: Media Relations; Press Releases; Special Events; Public Relations; Crisis Management; Creative and Technical Writing; Social Media; Winner Awareness; and Press Conferences

Proposal due by April 24, 2017 to:
New Mexico Lottery
4511 Osuna Road NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

PR firms that have worked for lotteries include Weber Shandwick and Burson-Marsteller.

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