News From the Hedge Fund Industry, Cannes PR Lions, Porter Novelli, and Allison+Partners

News From the Hedge Fund Industry, Cannes PR Lions, Porter Novelli, and Allison+Partners

Andrew Rabinowitz Says Hedge Funds Need More PR Representation

News From the Hedge Fund Industry, Cannes PR Lions, Porter Novelli, and Allison+Partners

Marathon Asset Management’s president, Andrew Rabinowitz feels the likability of the hedge fund industry could use some serious work, and that PR teams managing the outreach of funds would go a long way. While sitting on a panel at the Absolute Return Symposium in NYC, he said: “Hedge funds should hire the same PR firm that private equity firms did because private equity has completely nailed it on the PR perspective.”

Though financial media outlets cover some charity events, those sponsored by hedge funds don’t get much credit. Rabinowitz’s fund has an endowment that donates to children’s hospitals, but even though they got a presidential citation for their efforts, nobody mentioned it in the press. Apparently, the press ignores such press releases almost always.

Cannes International Festival of Creative – PR Lions Is Making Changes

The changes are partly because in 2016 communications agencies took the back seat to creative firms in almost all categories. So they changed their definition of PR, key information on entry forms, crediting for Network of the Year award, and more. The definition for PR they are now using includes earned media tactics or channels to change perceptions and behaviors, and a few other wording changes.

Changes regarding the Network of the Year award include switching from a split of points between ad and PR agencies, so now they will be only awarded to companies for “idea creation.” They’ve also changed so PR agencies can earn points for Agency of the Year and Independent Agency of the Year. Results questions have been changed to focus more on media output, business outcomes, strategy execution, and target audience outcomes.

Eddie Garrett Joins Porter Novelli as EVP of Global Digital Strategies

Eddie Garrett left his job with Weber Shandwick as EVP of data analysts and digital specialists, as well as overseeing strategy. He comes on board as Porter Novelli’s (PN) EVP of global digital strategies. But PN is not new stomping grounds for Garrett, he served previously director of the DC office’s digital practice. But the new position is in Chicago and reporting to Nick Propper, CEO and chief client officer.

Propper said: “As we continue to re-shape the way we approach our clients’ challenges, hiring a disproportionate amount of genuinely diverse thinkers from a multitude of complementary backgrounds, world-class leadership talent like Eddie have an increasingly important role in our agency and a significantly bigger platform on which to operate.”

Allison+Partners Singapore Office Promotes Serina Tan to GM

Serina Tan has been with Allison+Partners since 2014 with a promotion in 2015 to SVP and during her time there, she’s helped the office reach triple-digit growth and increased local staff numbers. She manages the day-to-day work in the local office. Before working at Allison, she was a regional account director at Porter Novelli, assistant communications manager for McDonald’s, and an account manager at Golin.

Allison+Partners has 26 offices globally and recently promoted Tracey Cassidy as their general manager of their New York office, as well as Emily Wilson-Sawyer to EVP in their West Coast travel and hospitality specialty and the consumer practice.

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