Random Tidbits from A NY PR Agency Owner

5wpr ronn torossian

5wpr ronn torossian

I am flabbergasted as to why more people in our industry aren’t utilizing Op-eds and blog posts more as Google Rankings continue to reward websites and authors who produce high-quality content regularly.

One would think that anyone employed at a PR Firm should be jumping for joy, as unique content placed properly can help rapidly move relevant search rankings – yet very few in our industry write often.  Perhaps I should be happy as it benefits my company – but it is just amazing that PR pros don’t spend more time writing as it can have major impact on search engine activity.

And along those, lines this must read-article from Ad Age which says that savvy PR firms could rule Native Advertising.  Completely true and completely accurate – read the article at: http://adage.com/article/small-agency-diary/savvy-pr-firms-rule-native-advertising/240694/

And – Born and bred in New York, I have visited many tourist sites many times.  We represent the largest tour company in New York, yet I must confess until very recently I never knew there was a “Museum Of Public Relations.”  Apparently it was created in 1997 with the blessing of Edward Bernays and is thriving.  Can anyone say “field trip”? Am excited to go soon and will write on it undoubtedly.

If you want – to attract traction on social media channels, info graphics are increasingly important, and as such came across the following Pinterest page: http://pinterest.com/cipr/we-love-public-relations/ which is the best resource of PR and social media info graphics housed in one place

In PR news – The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has hired Weber Shandwick for $8 Million to promote Obama care.  One thinks they have their hands full and will earn every penny they work for on that campaign.

And finally from – UK PR Agency, Yetis comes the following list of the top 10 films and TV shows portraying PR people – Read all about it.

About Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian is the Founder and CEO of 5W Public Relations. He is an experienced leader in the public relations industry with over 20 years of experience. Ronn Torossian has been named as Public Relations executive of the year by the American Business Awards, and has run countless award-winning Public Relations programs.

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