Ohio County Seeking Branding And PR Firm

Butler County Branding Task Force

Butler County Branding Task Force

In the past 15 years, Butler County, Ohio has seen substantial positive growth, development and change in the business community, tourism industry and our resident population. In order to better reflect the changing county and to continue to remain relevant the Butler County Commissioners, Butler County Port Authority and the Butler County Visitors Bureau desire to conduct an in depth branding initiative. The branding initiative will develop a strategy to continue Butler County’s progressive and forward thinking attitude and guide marketing, promotional, public relations and community outreach efforts as well as position the county as one of the leading counties in the country.

Butler County, Ohio founded in 1803 is one of Ohio’s oldest counties yet one of the fastest growing today. As the birthplace to four governors and home to thriving industry, education, arts and sports, Butler County comprises both small, rural settlements and flourishing cities. Its county seat is Hamilton, where the first fort was built on the bank of the Great Miami River.

The Butler County Branding Task Force (BCBTF), comprised of the Butler Commissioners, Butler County Port Authority and Butler County Visitors Bureau, is requesting  proposals from qualified firms to develop an umbrella brand strategy and brand creative elements for Butler County as a desired county for business, tourism and residential audiences. Resulting deliverables will serve as a platform for the county’s marketing, promotional, public relations and community outreach efforts.

The Butler County Branding Initiative will be conducted in two independent and distinct phases:

  1. Brand Strategy (including marketing research and brand position)
  2. Brand Creative

Firms are invited to submit proposals on any individual section or they may submit a proposal for both sections (Brand Strategy and Brand Creative). It is recommended that proposals for both phases be presented as two distinct phases.

  • Phase 1 requires a professional, experienced brand firm to analyze, conduct and interpret research as well as demonstrate extensive experience with community branding.
  • Phase 2 requires a seasoned and experienced design/creative firm to translate Phase 1 branding work into visual elements.

Proposals are due by April 29 to:

Butler County Visitors Bureau

Attn: Mark Hecquet

8756 Union Centre Boulevard

West Chester, OH 45069

PR firms with a major Ohio presence include Fahlgren Mortine, French-West Vaughan and Edelman PR.


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