Park County Government is considering an update of its website to enhance the user experience, simplify content management and provide better information and customer service to its community, while meeting high standards for design quality and visual appeal. At present, online content for Park County is centrally managed by the Information Technology (IT) Department, with the assistance of a handful of “power users” in other departments. Park County would like the ability to decentralize content management by empowering our staff to easily create and manage website content in each county department under the oversight of the IT Department.
Park County seeks the assistance of an experienced, U.S. Based company that can accomplish all the functionality identified in this RFP with the flexibility of providing this functionality over time, if needed, due to budgetary constraints. The County also seeks a company that has the capability of integrating additional features and functionality that may be identified in the future. The experienced company should have a team of experts who understand local government to help us achieve our vision – all while providing 24/7/365 support.
Established in 1909, Park County lies in northwest Wyoming, south of the Montana State border and east of Yellowstone National Park. The 4th largest county in Wyoming, Park County spans 6,942 square miles making it larger than the states of Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut and Hawaii. Incorporated towns in Park County include Cody, Powell, Meeteetse and a portion of Frannie. According to 2017 U.S. Census information, the County is ranked 8th in the state for population with approximately 29,500 residents.
Scope of Work:
• Project phase deliverables.
• What will be expected of the County.
• What the County can expect from the company.
Due Date:
September 16, 2019
Michael D. Conners, CIO
Park County Government
1002 Sheridan Ave.
Cody, WY 82414
Makovsky PR is worth considering for this assignment.