Paul Holmes – The Drive Behind the Holmes Report and SABRE Awards

Paul Holmes – The Drive Behind the Holmes Report and SABRE Awards

Paul Holmes – The Drive Behind the Holmes Report and SABRE Awards

Paul Holmes started his career in England working for local newspapers in the north and ultimately making his way into public relations when he worked at PR Week in South London. In 1987 he made his way to the U.S. and the heart of PR in the states in New York City, eventually working at AdWeek and their sister publication Marketing Week. In 1989 he became both a CEO and a founder, though not initially with the Holmes Report. That came later. He opened with Inside PR and then Reputation Management. Both publications gave information on important trends and other PR industry analysis. During that time he started what would later become bones of the Holmes Group, which he founded in 2000. Some of those bones included the PR Agency Report Card profiling U.S. PR firms and also the Creativity in Public Relations Awards.

The Holmes Group puts out more content than The Holmes Report; they also have a website, send e-newsletters, are behind the SABRE Awards, provide research, consulting, and printed reports, and sponsor PR events and conferences. The Holmes Report, though, provides PR information and current happenings for the Americas (North and South) and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). In 2011, Paul Holmes was inducted into ICCO (the International Communications Consultancy Organization) Hall of Fame listing him as a PR Industry Commentator and founder of The Holmes Group. He was only one of two added that year. The ICCO has membership from 48 countries including EMEA, the Americas, and Australia/Asia and 2500 PR firms are represented.

Holmes believes strongly in the need for digital implementation of PR work and in the need for its various firms’ areas of practice to stay current. Holmes is one of the leading public relations news personalities in the world.

He brings more than a quarter of a century of PR experience and understanding as part of his contribution to the company he founded.

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