People watching is one of those things that just about everyone enjoys and there is really no better place to do it than on public transit. If you’ve ever seen an odd sight and wanted to share it with your friends . . . you’re not alone. That’s what John Michael Kubera wanted to get across when he started up his new site, People of Public Transit.
People of Public Transit is a site that shows photos and even the occasional video of just what it sounds like, people riding public transit. From buses to subways, the photos capture everything from the mundane (a puppy sitting on the seat alone) to the bizarre (a full body crocheted pink camo suit) and showcases them with a witty caption.
Kubera was inspired to start the site when he saw People of Walmart. “I’m always looking for the next big idea. When I first heard about People of Walmart, I was taken aback by the mere fact that this type of website hadn’t been published before. Immediately I started to think about other topics and subjects that I could apply the format. I currently live in Pittsburgh, PA and I used to live right outside of Washington, DC, so I’m no stranger to public transit. I couldn’t think of a better source of material for this type of website.”

He’s been working on sites of popular interest for years now, so coming up with yet another one wasn’t a stretch. His usual method of researching the idea, purchasing the domain name and then working on building the site was implemented in People of Public Transit. Using WordPress, Kubera looked for a simplistic theme that would make his photos stand out and keep the reader’s attention and they do just that. His usual method of researching the idea, purchasing the domain name and then working on building the site was implemented in People of Public Transit. Since the blogging platform was one he was already familiar with, it took little time to get the site up and running.
When asked about his long term goals for the site, Kubera responds, “We are only a few days old, so that’s a bit like asking a young child what they want to be when all grown up. I’m likely to say fireman or police man at this point. We’ll just take it one day at a time and see where the site takes us.”
While the site will eventually run almost entirely on submissions from readers, Kubera assured us that half the fun is snapping the photos himself. “We’re hoping the majority of our material is submission based, however, we’re not about to sit around and let everyone else have all the fun. We’ll be around snapping shots of the people on our local public transit system in Pittsburgh.”
As for what they will and will not accept, Kubera says there isn’t a static policy in place yet. Each photo submitted will be reviewed and there are already a few that have been rejected as being unsuitable for the site. As you’ll see on the site, the photos featured may be slightly risque, but there’s nothing really X-rated. All photos are checked and put through a pros and cons test before they can appear on the site. Should anyone contest their appearance in a photo on the blog, they merely have to contact Kubera through the site and the photo will be removed without question, eliminating potential issues with privacy.
People of Public Transit isn’t just a blog to make fun of folks, though. While it does poke fun, it’s gentle fun and not cruel. The site makes an effort to give back by featuring a new charity each month . . . currently the main ads run on the site though they also use Google Ads.
If you ride public transit, the next time you see something out of the ordinary, snap a photo and send it to People of Transit. You might just get featured. Not to mention, they are running a contest for the content submitted, with prizes of up to $100 in a Visa gift card.
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