What’s New at French/West/Vaughan, Porter Novelli, APCO, & M Booth

french west vaughn

Fetching Communications Acquired by FWV for New Pet and Vet Division

french west vaughn

French West Vaughan (FWV) is adding Fetching Communications to their already large independently-owned PR and communications agency. Fetching is a top PR firm based in Tampa, Florida and specialized in pet and veterinary concerns. They do innovative marketing for the pet care industry and pet-related products. The Florida firm will rebrand now under the name FWV Fetching, a wholly-owned division of FWV. Kristen Levin will continue to lead the new division as SVP.french

Porter Novelli’s Greater China Offices Add New Managing Director

Porter Novelli announced that the new managing director in Greater China will be Albert Chan. He will work from the office in Beijing and will oversee strategic growth and talent management there while reporting to the president of the Asia Pacific Region, Angie Schneider. Chan’s previous 18 years of marketing and communications efforts in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China will add strength to his new endeavors.

APCO Worldwide’s European Leadership Faces New Changes

Brad Staples, CEO of APCO Worldwide, announced upcoming changes to their European leadership responsibilities. Nicolas Castex has been hired as the new managing director of their office in Paris, France, and Claire Boussagol, already the managing director of the Brussels office, takes on additional responsibility as the chairman for the European region of global PR efforts. She has 26 years of experience in public affairs and strategic development.

Boussagol has been tasked with business development and driving collaboration in the region. Before her new appointment and current job, she was in the Paris office as managing director and executive director of the EMEA region. Prior to her time with APCO she was trained as a lawyer and also taught at Sciences Po for four years in Paris. Castex joins APCO after working at Citigate Dewe Rogerson in Paris where he was a founder of the Paris office and since 2004 had worked as the managing director. He focused on corporate communication advice to multinational corporations, public affairs, and financial communications. His areas of specialization include investing, technology, real estate, and healthcare.

Marilyn Lee Castaldi, Healthcare PR and Communications Veteran, Lost her Fight with Ovarian Cancer

After more than 30 years of healthcare PR and communications service, Marilyn Lee Castaldi dies at age 71. Castaldi worked with top PR firms including Hill+Knowlton Strategies(HK), Burson-Marsteller(BM), and FleishmanHillard(FH). She served in positions including EVP, MD, and GM.  Castaldi worked as a consultant for several years before joining Ogilvy’s Feinstein Kean Healthcare as EVP in 2011.

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