PR News From Finn Partners, Edelman PR, Prosek & More…

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New Head of Finn Partners Service Group

2021 has been filled with change and growth in many sectors. In the world of public relations Nicole Cottrill was named head of the Finn Partners newly created position of head of the agency’s services group. As head of the agency’s health provider service group, Cottrill will oversee counselling for clients of the group such as physicians, long term healthcare providers and hospitals.

Edelman Reports a 5.7% Revenue Drop

Looking back on revenues of 2020, PR firm Edelman has reported a drop of 5.7% in revenue. The firm says revenues dropped from $892 million in 2019 but is making an interesting recovery that so far has seen income increase compared to year over year for the last two months. Edelman reports that the international holdings took the greatest hit with Asia – Pacific down 9.6% and EMEA down 8.4% while the US holdings of the firm went down 4.2%. 2020 brought significant changes to the initial forecast of a 4-5% growth for the agency.  Instead of growth, the firm laid off 390 employees. These layoffs come despite Richard Edelman’s commitment to zero job losses.

5WPR Named Agency of Record for Contakt World

5W Public Relations is one of the largest independently owned PR firms nationwide, and has most recently been named as the agency of record for health tech and advertising firm Contakt World. The tech team at 5W will handle media relations and social media among other things, for Contakt. 5W’s technology practice has grown to serve some very specialized clients and prides itself on being a leader in adtech, martech and fintech.

Prosek Partners to Expand Digital Team

Marketing and communications firm Prosek Partners announced the recent expansion of the firm’s digital team, starting with the hiring of Joe Scannell. Scannell has been named Senior Vice President and Head of Digital Communications for the agency. The goal is for Scannell to advise the Prosek client base on strategic digital communication. This may include corporate branding, reputation management and executive positioning.

Fabric Retailer Joann Leaves PR Agency Golin, Signs DeVries

Fabric and craft retailer Joann has ended a working relationship with former agency of record, Golin. Joann has announced that the new agency of record for the business will be DeVries Global. DeVries will be shaping and forming Joann’s media and influencer strategy to drive customer preferences and both virtual and in-store classes and events.

This change in representation comes just a year after the retailer came under fire for remaining open during the covid crisis. The company defended this choice pointing at the necessity of the materials required to produce face masks and other personal protective equipment. The chain claims this makes them essential and has tried to help with the crisis by providing free mask making kits and tutorials.

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