PR Week in Review from 5W PR’s CEO

ronn torossian week review

ronn torossian week review

Another week in the books – and another week naturally with plenty of headline news:

While we as PR professionals spin the media constantly, sometimes indeed journalists have it much harder.  This week, at least four journalists were killed in Egypt.  The prestigious Washington, DC based National Press Club issued a strong statement on the issue “The killings and attacks on journalists in Egypt earlier this week were an egregious violation of international norms that uphold the media’s right to conduct its work unmolested and without fear of violent reprisals,” NPC Club President Angela Greiling Keane said.

Interesting news that this week marked the 1st time Public Relations Firms were warned that they shall be “punished” if they work for dictators. Anonymous Operation Bahrain proclaimed they will attack the websites of supporters of the government of Bahrain who is regularly described worldwide as one of the world’s most brutal regimes.  Anonymous’ press release said “This may include western PR firms who are paid to white wash the crimes of the dictator in Manama.”  Bahrain has spent $32 million on PR Agencies in the last 2 years – firms including Hill+Knowlton, Qorvis and others.  Gotta’ think their IT staff is working overtime this week.

Talk about great public relations? This week it was announced that leading NYC restaurateur Danny Meyer will be making the food on certain flights of Delta Airlines. Not exactly the place one expects to have great food – its certainly a smart stunt and good high profile publicity.

“It’s PR that needs to be creative. It’s PR that needs to be new and different. It’s PR that needs to be original. The best way to establish a brand is to create a new category, and creating a new category requires creative thinking of the highest order.” –  Al & Laura Ries

About Ronn Torossian

Ronn Torossian is the Founder and CEO of 5W Public Relations. He is an experienced leader in the public relations industry with over 20 years of experience. Ronn Torossian has been named as Public Relations executive of the year by the American Business Awards, and has run countless award-winning Public Relations programs.

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