Predictions For The Year To Come

Experts from a variety of different companies shared their thoughts about the year to come. Different predictions from different folks. 

Olga Gonzalez, CEO, Pietra Communications says that, “Because of the move to virtual events, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, PR and marketing agencies are going to be booking their clients for more virtual speaking engagements, and host virtual conferences, to ensure their clients have more visibility globally. In addition, agencies will have to adapt to creative ways of promoting during virtual trade shows, as opposed to launching products at in-person events.”

Jay Berkowitz, a former Director of Marketing at McDonald’s Restaurants, Coca-Cola and Sprint and today, CEO of an agency focused on digital marketing – says to watch out for major changes at Google, noting “Google has been gradually rolling out a new feature at the very top of searches under a platform called Local Service Ads. For the consumer it is presented as “Google Verified” for home services such as locksmiths, plumbers, and air conditioning technicians. And just in the last 60 days, introducing a similar offer in select markets called “Google Screened” for professional services such as attorneys, real estate and financial services.

The program allows businesses to get verified or screened by Google, and their supplier Pinkerton Securities. After getting approved the business may compete for Pay Per Lead calls from consumers. This program has already created a dramatic shift in Google results and performance. For example, clicks and calls from Google Screened are grabbing a large percentage of consumer actions and these clicks are significantly reducing clicks from Google Ads (Pay Per Click or PPC), Google Maps and the old free listings or SEO (Search Engine Optimization). My prediction for 2021 is an aggressive rollout of this program into new industries and new markets. Google will convert clicks from “Google Screened” into significant revenue and profit that was previously only free clicks on Google Maps search results.”

Scott Keever, founder and CEO of Scott Keever SEO, a digital marketing agency says that, “Much the same as every other expectation for the coming year; digital will steal the stage. The world is advancing unequivocally towards that region and appears to me that locale will be secured for quite a while with no chance to get out. The world will be digitalized and every little thing about us will be advanced with no type of actual contact from 2021 and the years to come. We will be so lost in the advanced world that we probably won’t have the option to discover an exit plan. Each PR firm should brace up for digital in light of the fact that all progressions normal will be advanced based. 

Influencer marketing will be an incredible request in the coming year. Numerous brands will utilize the administrations of influencers to speak to them as they have the ability to impact the buying choices of their crowd. Social or online media advertising isn’t avoided with regard to this exposure pursuit as a leftover of this year, various organizations needed to likewise rely upon this promoting to commute home traffic to their image’s website. Video publicizing will continually keep up its ground in the years to come.

Influencer marketing is a type of online media advertising yet numerous individuals don’t realize that there is no distinction between them since they go inseparably. Take this from me that online media would take the fan base so the earlier you utilize the chance, the better for your business. Get your influencers on their toes; effectively associated with their ability to influence the buying choices of their crowd on their distinctive online media handles.”

Trish Wainwright, COO at Plat4orm, a communications agency that has been a virtual and remote workplace for over a decade says that, “While it is still early in the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, a post-pandemic world is on the horizon. That doesn’t mean that remote work will come to an end. If anything, the pandemic has shown that many offices and agencies can operate virtually. Plat4orm was founded and fully operates as a virtual agency. However, with many workers experiencing Zoom and webinar fatigue, I believe many agencies will likely adopt a hybrid model, opening their offices to leverage the space strategically – for client meetings, brainstorms, strategy sessions, and the occasional need to get together.”

Liz H Kelly, Goody PR Founder and Author of 8-Second PR says we should expect a Big Surge in Book Launch Marketing in 2021, telling us hat “Marketing and Public Relations professionals will see a big surge in book publicity requests in 2021 for two main reasons. First, the pandemic has shifted many publication dates for 2020 books to 2021. And second, people have been writing books during quarantine, more than any other time in our history! Based on our new business calls, many of these new authors are writing for the first time and are looking for guidance on how to launch a book. Currently, Goody PR is already seeing a rise in new client requests from authors who want help with 2021 book launch publicity, brand strategy and social media marketing. These new book marketing campaigns will have a ripple effect that will increase the needs for marketing, PR, branding, websites, social media, video, blogs and all forms of digital marketing content.”

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