TV Prime Time Great to Target Mobile Gaming and Social Media Users

internet tv

A survey by Arbitron revealed how posting updates during TV prime time can benefit businesses in the USA. The survey offers important business intelligence for companies, showing the most important actions that dominate smartphone usage during prime time: calls, messaging, browsing, social networking, and gaming.

prime time

Although the survey was limited to Arbitron’s own user database, the statistics are nevertheless interesting, and indicative of a more general trend. The 9 to 5 workday schedule drives most smartphone usage patterns. For instance, the average time per hour for voice calling falls off sharply after 5PM, while the average time per hour for mobile gaming and social networking begins a sharp acceleration toward their respective peak hours of 9PM. This contrasts with mobile browsing, which maintains a consistent average time per hour from 10AM through 10PM.

Last but not least, mobile gaming and social media activities accelerate between 5PM and 6PM. Around 10PM, the average time per hour for gaming and social networking begins a steep decline that continues into the early morning, when the workday-based cycle begins again.

This interesting study reveals that what usually works well in traditional marketing, will continue to work for social and media platforms. Adapting to users’ behaviors is crucial for any modern business.

Aaron Kwittken of Kwittken PR has commented often on marketing and PR being a merger of many things – social, media, behavior and more.  The reality of this survey isn’t any surprise – adapting to users’ behaviors is crucial for any modern business.

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