Alan Nierob: The PR Wizard for Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner Public Relations

Alan Nierob is a power player at the PR firm Rogers and Cowan in Hollywood, who handles Public Relations for Caitlyn Jenner.

Rogers and Cowan’s website declares they are the first in a number of their areas of specialization, and now they can also claim to be a first with celebrity transgender PR. Nierob was brought on board to help with the PR as Jenner prepared for a big transition. Beginning his PR work in December 2014 after rumors had been flying regarding Jenner’s appearance and reported doctor visits, Nierob took control.

For several years, Jenner seemed to be the stable factor in the Kardashian clan, but all of a sudden, life changed. He had been able to stay somewhat in the background, but then Bruce Jenner was faced with the nightmare of having his deepest secrets dragged out into the blazing light of the public eye.

Facing what must have seemed like a nightmare at the time, he made a wise decision and hired Nierob.

From that moment on, the nightmare began to transform until several months later, a still somewhat reticent Jenner opened up to his family, and then to the world. Jenner handled the interviews and discussions well, but Nierob handled the publicity side of things with a finesse that must be admired. Releasing information one step at a time allowed the information and Jenner to blossom slowly until all was revealed.

Then there was the interview special with Diane Sawyer. The opening season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians where his adult children were able to discuss their questions and concerns with Jenner. And then the coup de gras – Annie Leibovitz’s amazing cover photographs leaked early on social media so everyone could see what a beauty Jenner was and the name she chose for her new identity and body.

It doesn’t end there either. E Network, which has already made a lot of money off the Kardashian name in a couple of different series, will be running a new show later this summer all about Caitlyn Jenner and what she’s learning and doing. Nierob’s efforts have been GENIUS.

Whether you agree or disagree with the choices made by Jenner, you have to respect the way the PR has been handled in the process. What could have been a lot of paparazzi chasing down a fleeing celebrity to get telling pictures of every little change along the way.

What could have been a sleazy load of innuendo and name calling … was instead turned into a presentation of a man standing up to lifelong demons. Fighting what haunted him and doing battle in true Olympian tradition to end up a 60 something-year-old pinup on the cover of Vanity Fair.

It’s kind of an interesting modern day Cinderella story, don’t you think?

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