Public Relations Predictions From Tiller Marketing, onePRgroup & More…

Public Relations Predictions From Tiller Marketing, onePRgroup & More…
Public Relations Predictions From Tiller Marketing, onePRgroup & More…

We asked marketing executives what the future of public relations is, and here are the answers we got: 

Cat Nilsson of onePRgroup said, “Public Relations has always been vital for businesses in order to increase brand awareness and their credibility with their target audience, and because of the inherent purpose behind it, I only see PR increasing in value into the future. Although COVID-19 has had a significant impact on many companies, particularly small businesses, I believe that many still see PR as a necessity and PR professionals have been able to find new, exciting opportunities during & post-COVID in order to generate interest and coverage for their clients. 

Now, more than ever, businesses who have struggled during this time need to re-focus on increasing their brand presence across all mediums and relay key brand messages to their audience so they know they are thriving and can provide them with immense value. In this way, I think the pandemic has merely highlighted the need that businesses have for PR in order to dust themselves off, pivot and strategize, as well as continue to grow their brand and relevance with their audience.”

Doyle Albee of  MAPR agency said, “As always, the future of public relations and the relationships with reporters, editors, bloggers and influencers is bright — as long as PR practitioners adapt to the ‘new normal.’ Campaigns and even pitches must not only work within limitations and changes from the pandemic, civic engagement and the election, it’s important to be up front about why you’re doing things a certain way and how that benefits the greater scope of considerations under which we all live for the foreseeable future. The patience for tone-deaf or even off-target pitches is falling fast. PR pros that ‘get it’ will succeed, and the rest will need to find something else to do. As it always does, the cream will rise to the top and strong relationships will become even stronger.” 

Jess Columbo of Tiller Marketing said, “The future of PR is returning to its roots: relationships and storytelling. As trust in paid placements and platforms continues to erode, much of our work is going back to “the basics”; Sustaining relationships with diverse media pros, Engaging in robust, decentralized networks of organic influencers and producing and distributing true, well-told stories that are rooted in consumer/community values.”

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