REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS #SCC-23-029-IRD Virginia Energy Sense (VES) Consumer Education & Outreach Services

Henrico, Virginia Issues Market Research RFP

Due Date/Time: January 28, 2024 at 2:00 PM EST

3.0 Statement of Needs

The selected Supplier shall provide a full range of integrated communication services to include marketing, public relations, and advertising for the continuation of the existing Virginia Energy Sense consumer education and outreach program. The existing program consists of the following components which the proposal must include but is not limited to: messaging; media plan; market research; digital marketing; website hosting and maintenance; traditional marketing; information materials; partnerships; community outreach; public relations; and reporting. The Supplier is encouraged to propose innovative ideas to any aspect of the program for the SCC’s consideration while maintaining consistency in the Virginia Energy Sense brand identity. The Supplier shall also designate a dedicated Account Manager to manage and oversee the services required as indicated herein for the Virginia Energy Sense consumer education and outreach program for the duration of the contract period, including any renewals. The SCC has an annual budget of $1 Million for this program to include all associated labor, deliverables, and other direct costs. Offerors are highly encouraged to use the entire budget in support of the Virginia Energy Sense Program.

4.0 Proposal Format and Submission Instructions

4.1 Overview

The issuance of this document and the receipt of information in response to this document will not cause the SCC to incur any liability or obligation, financial or otherwise, to any Offeror. The SCC assumes no obligation to reimburse or in any way compensate an Offeror for expenses incurred in connection with its proposal.

4.2 Proprietary Information

In general, proposals are not subject to public disclosure prior to the award of a contract, except as required by law or by court order.

If an Offeror seeks to protect from disclosure any proprietary or trade secret information contained in its proposal, Offeror must:

a. Submit a completed Appendix B: Offeror Proprietary Information with its proposal, which lists proprietary information and the reason it deems such information proprietary. Offeror may not designate its entire proposal as proprietary or confidential. FAILURE TO COMPLETE APPENDIX B MAY RESULT IN PUBLIC DISCLOSURE OF ALL PROPOSAL INFORMATION.

b. Submit both Original and Redacted electronic copies of those specific documents that contain

proprietary information. Redacted copies of proposal documents must be consistent with the requirements of this RFP and Appendix B. IT IS OFFEROR’S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO REMOVE ANY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION, DATA, OR MATERIAL IN REDACTED COPIES OF ITS PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS. The SCC assumes no responsibility for release of proprietary information contained in Redacted proposal documents. A second, redacted copy is not required for those proposal documents that do not contain proprietary information.

4.3 Proposal Format and Content

The SCC may reject any proposal that is not in the required format or that does not address all

requirements of this RFP.

Proposals should be written to answer this RFP. Avoid broad, unenforceable, or immeasurable responses and include all requested information in each section as indicated below. The required contents of the proposal and how the proposal must be organized is detailed below.


All documents that must be included in the proposal have been provided by the SCC except documents noted as “Offeror to Provide.” Unless specifically noted, no other documents or information should be included in the proposal. Proposal document formats are as follows:

• Template: Structured documents prepared by the SCC that must be populated and submitted by the Offeror. Each template includes instructions describing how to complete that template.

• Proposed Changes Form: Offeror is required to submit proposed changes and edits to Exhibits to this RFP, if any, using the forms provided in Appendix D: Proposed Changes Form. Pre-defined forms have been developed that correspond to applicable Exhibits to this RFP. Offeror should not provide proposed edits or redline changes directly in the Exhibits. Additional instructions are provided in Appendix D.

• Offeror to Provide: Documents to be provided by and included in Offeror’s response in accordance with the SCC’s instructions.

Note that, in some instances, elements of Offeror’s proposal will require responses using multiple proposal document formats.


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