RFP Rebranding and Strategic Marketing Women Managing the Farm

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RFP Rebranding and Strategic Marketing Women Managing the Farm

Proposal Due Date: Friday, September 20, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. CST

If you or an applicant have any questions, reach out to Josey Mestagh, Rebranding Committee Chair, at mestagh@kansassoybeans.org.

Request for Proposal (RFP): Rebranding and Strategic Marketing Introduction

Women Managing the Farm is excited to announce the search for a partner to conduct research on the current scope and reach of the organization and utilize the findings to develop a rebranding strategy to elevate the organization. WMF is exploring expansion opportunities that offer additional engagement throughout the year. This might include opportunities such as in-person tours, book clubs and virtual sessions.


Since 2006, Women Managing the Farm (WMF) has hosted annual conferences to empower and engage women in agriculture. WMF is a group of volunteers from all parts of the agricultural industry, with chairs and committees to implement the many tasks. Women have a longstanding history in the success of agribusinesses and family farms. This rebrand will fully capture the significant impact women have on the agricultural industry.

The purpose of WMF is as follows:

• Provide education, tools and resources to women involved in all aspects of agriculture.

• Coordinate at least one annual event for women in agriculture.

• Promote outreach and engagement efforts of women in agriculture.

• Provide a forum for industry and public sectors to partner with women involved in various aspects of agriculture.

Request and Goal

The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from marketing companies to partner with WMF for a comprehensive rebranding initiative.

The current brand, “Women Managing the Farm”, does not fully embrace the magnitude of the contributions women have to the agricultural industry or the culture of family farming. WMF desires a new, fresh brand that communicates the broad impact of women in agricultural professional fields, family enterprises and their way of life. Recognizing that uncovering business-related growth opportunities requires the organization to take a step back and assess our marketing strategies, core services and brand position for continued relevance.

WMF seeks a marketing company that will collaborate with us to achieve our strategic approach to: • Clarify our current market position, including a competitor analysis, to outline an effective strategy.

• Execute a comprehensive rebranding strategy to recruit and retain new conference attendees (CA’s) and partners.

• Achieve clarity and measurement of WMF’s current engagement, reach and potential gaps.

• Quantify measurable impact of rebranding and marketing approach.

• Develop a marketing strategy to strengthen individual and team marketing efforts. 1990 Kimball Ave Manhattan, KS 66502 We will conduct a fair evaluation based on criteria listed herein and select the company we believe will best help WMF meet our project goals:

• Create a community for women in agriculture of all capacities, including but not limited to: ag partners, independent ag producers, ag helpers, off-site landowners, ag industry professionals and business managers, to connect, share experiences and build lasting relationships with others in the industry.

• Discover and enhance our brand, services and market position.

• Proactive marketing campaigns and content designed to recruit and retain new CA’s, sponsors and partners, lead CA’s to expand their knowledge, impact and adopt best practices, and determine new market trends and how branding and messaging will result in a measurable return in these markets.

The annual WMF conference is a resource to support women in agriculture. Our CA’s trust us to deliver innovative and creative content and expand their personal relationships that empower them to achieve their business and personal aspirations. WMF serves individuals and sponsors/partner organizations with advocacy, training, education, networking opportunities, women’s wellbeing, resource sharing, community outreach and business relationships. Scope of Work The scope of this rebranding initiative will be in two phases: strategic and implementation.

This includes, but is not limited to all market research (our current position, competition and potential gaps to reach) and work to put the strategy into action, including deliverables (logo, promotional materials, website suggestions, etc). T

his strategic marketing partnership proposal will include:

• Brand analysis and market share goals/metric/tracking • Budget requirements advice

• Digital marketing strategy and required investment

• Promotional materials and website strategies

• Personnel to support rebranding efforts


Estimated budget: $25,000

All proposals must include proposed rebranding services and costs. Costs should be stated as one-time or non-recurring costs (NRC) or monthly recurring costs (MRC). Pricing should be listed in accordance with the format below. If any outsourced or contract work is needed to meet the requirements, it must be clearly stated in the proposal with the name and purpose of the organization being used. All costs in the proposal must be all-inclusive, including any outsourced or contracted work.

All proposals must be signed by an official agent or representative of the company submitting the proposal. Upon notification, contract negotiation will begin. 1990 Kimball Ave Manhattan, KS 66502 Item NRC Project Initiation & Planning MRC $ $ Market Research $ $ Design/Content/Delivery $ $ Pitch Book $ $ Play Book $ $ $ Website assessment and recommendations $ Conversion plan $ $


Provide the following items as part of the proposal for consideration:

• Description of experience in brand and market assessment, planning and execution.

• Examples of three or more marketing service relationships designed and implemented by your organization with client testimonials.

• List of anticipated resources you will assign to this project (total number, role, title, experience).

• Contract, which may be negotiated upon selection. Evaluation Criteria

• Overall proposal services and solutions meet the scope and needs included herein and are presented in a clear and organized manner.

• Organizational experience as it pertains to the scope of this project.

• Previous work pertaining to marketing service relationships, client testimonials and references.

• Cost of services and solution(s) based on the work to be performed with the scope of this project.

• Staff technical expertise and experience.


• RFP Release Date: Monday, August 21, 2024

• Proposal Due Date: Friday, September 20, 2024 by 5:00 p.m. CST

• Anticipated Selection Date: October 7, 2024

• February 12-14: 2025 Conference in Manhattan, KS

• July 1, 2025: All deliverables completed Contact Information Please submit your proposal, and any questions, to Josey Mestagh, Rebranding Committee Chair at mestagh@kansassoybeans.org

Proposals should be sent via email utilizing “Rebranding Proposal for Women Managing the Farm” as the subject line. We look forward to receiving your proposal.

Thank you for your interest in working with Women Managing the Farm. 1990 Kimball Ave Manhattan, KS 66502 Addendum Women Managing the Farm began as regional workshops in Dodge City, Lawrence, Wichita and Logan funded by the North Central Risk Management Center.

These workshops were called “Women Managing the Farm: Training to sustain profitability on or off the farm.” The first official statewide conference was hosted in 2006 in conjunction with Oklahoma and funded by the USDA-RMA, Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program through 2010. Starting in 2011, the annual conference became its own pillar of excellence.

Below is a timeline of the past ten WMF conference themes and locations. 

• 2024: RISE — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2023: Grow — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2022: Together Again — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2021: Creating Community Online & At Home — virtual conference • 2020: No theme — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2019: No theme — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2018: Maximizing My Influence: Farm, Community, Consumers — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2017: Her AgriCULTURE Story: Change, Adapt, Grow — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2016: Her AgriCULTURE Story: Wisdom, Stewardship, Heritage — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

• 2015: Heroes in Agriculture — Manhattan at the Hilton Garden Inn

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