Rhode Island Commerce Seeking Marketing Firm

Rhode Island Commerce Seeking Marketing Firm

Rhode Island Commerce Seeking Marketing Firm

Rhode Island Commerce is seeking a marketing firm to:

  • Review and optimize municipal marketing plans
  • Drive meeting to determine:
  • Outreach timeline
  • Capacity of Solar Ambassadors and volunteer team (who are they, how can they be    engaged?)
  • Assessment of outreach resources available (i.e. time capacity, email lists, or mailers)
  • Select installers for participation with the Solarize Program.
  • Clarify anticipated scope of work with competitively selected Installer(s)
  • Conduct a discussion with Program Team.
  • Set Expectations on Installer communication and site assessment process
  • Effectively communicate program information and program goals to residents and business owners in selected municipalities
  • Regular bi-weekly check- in meeting with Program Team
  • Presentation events to introduce the Solarize RI program, the program partners, solar PV technology, and the benefits of participating
  • Solar Ambassador to make introductions
  • Program Team to present for 20 – 30 minutes
  • Installer to present on the technology and specific offering
  • Implementation of pre- approved activities to facilitate affinity group outreach efforts
  • Provide insight into development of program
  • Assess impacts of various outreach methods


Solarize Rhode Island aims to increase education and outreach regarding solar photovoltaic (PV) technology, and to reduce the cost for residential and commercial customers to go solar. The selected marketing consultant will partner with The Corporation and OER (Program Team) to help design the upcoming rounds of the program, implement marketing strategies proposed by selected municipalities participating in the program, and provide outreach and educational services for the Solarize RI program.

The Program Team plans to select one (1) marketing consultant before the end of April 2017. The Spring 2017 Solarize program will soon by underway. The main outreach for soliciting municipalities to participate in the program is expected to begin in March 2017. It is anticipated that the marketing consultant will be under contract before the sign up period for the Spring round begins.  In addition, the marketing consultant will also assist with program re-design for the Fall round of Solarize Rhode Island. Please see the Project Timeline section, below, for the timeline for the 2017 Solarize program.

Scope of Work

  • Facilitate kick-off meetings with selected municipalities
  • Determine methods for community engagement
  • Facilitate engagement with Solar Ambassador and volunteers
  • Create calendar of program events in coordination with the selected municipalities
  • Prepare a summary of meeting minutes and next steps
  • Read and score installer proposals
  • Coordinate and facilitate the Installer Kick-Off meeting
  • Lead finalization of outreach plan and to set initial goals and partner expectations
  • Prepare summary of any modifications to municipal outreach plan
  • Design, maintain, and administer website and other social media including, Twitter, and     Facebook
  • Provide lead intake via website and provide leads to Program Team and selected installers.
  • Provide updates, take notes and engage discussion with Program Team, installer and municipality
  • Pre and post facilitation of event in partnership with Program Team
  • Activities may include facilitating outreach communication to Members, recording of the event and posting to an online site, assisting in the development of outreach materials, and coordination with Installer for effective method for intake of customer leads
  • Schedule events
  • Work with the Solar Ambassador to conduct coordinated outreach efforts
  • Develop email, print, online or traditional media communications
  • Receive weekly Installer metrics information from OER to review
  • Determine any metrics trends

Due Dates by Friday, April 28, 2017
Rhode Island Commerce Corporation
Attention: Solarize Rhode Island Marketing Consultant RFP
315 Iron Horse Way, Suite 101
Providence, RI 02908

Leading PR firms who may be a fit for this include Weber Shandwick and Burson Marsteller.

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