Romania Foreign Affairs Ministry Seeking Marketing Agency

Romania Foreign Affairs Ministry

In 2007, following its accession to the European Union (EU), Romania became a donor of Official Development Assistance (ODA), offering financial support to developing countries and contributing to the global efforts to eradicate extreme poverty world-wide. Since then, Romania has strives to position itself on the international development arena as an innovative donor, with the main comparative advantage of being able to share its direct experience and knowledge in the democratic transition and Euro-Atlantic integration processes.

Romania’s strategic objective in development cooperation is to contribute to poverty reduction by promoting security and economic welfare, state of law, sustainable economic development, climate change mitigation and investments in education, complementing international efforts in the field.  Given the historical linkages and the recent similar pathway of EU accession, an important part of the official development assistance was awarded by Romania to the Republic of Moldova.

As such, the UN seeks to carry out market research to determine:

  1. The level of awareness and information of the projects funded by the Government of Romania in the Republic of Moldova among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,
  2. The level of acceptance and support of the projects funded by the Government of Romania in the Republic of Moldova among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,
  3. The level of visibility of the projects funded by the Government of Romania in the Republic of Moldova among the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,
  4. The best messages to promote the projects funded by the Government of Romania in the Republic of Moldova to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania will manage this project. Proposals are due by Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 to: United Nations Development Programme, UN House, 48A, Primaverii Bldv, Bucharest, Romania, Ramona LIPARA, Operations Associate.

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