Saint Louis Zoo Issues Website RFP

St Louis Zoo

This RFP is to find a firm to develop a new website for the Saint Louis Zoo.


The Saint Louis Zoo hosts approximately 3 million visitors annually. The Zoo has a 52,000+ member household base and generates over $30 million in visitor spending annually. Likewise, the Zoo has enjoyed a steady average 12% annual growth in visits to over the past three years. While admission to the Zoo is free, the Zoo is dependent upon annual visitor spending to generate sufficient operating cash flow. The top-visited pages to are those related to visiting the Zoo and/or its events. Outside of organic visits to the website, the Zoo also strategically uses various social media to drive website visits as well as a variety of paid digital marketing efforts.

The Zoo’s website has employed the same site architecture since 2004. The website was redesigned in 2010 and freshened up in 2016.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work for this project includes:

                • Planning , Analysis, Full Site Audit and Development Plan

                                o Meet with Zoo to determine goals for the new site. Strategic research and review of current site architecture. Recommend a new sitemap to show how the site should be structured.

                • Content Review and Development

                                o Work with Zoo team to review existing site content; determine what information can/should stay and what information could/should be rewritten for stronger messages related to marketing and communications goals. [This phase should include costs for writing up to 50 site pages of content].

                • Website Design

                                o This phase should include creative direction and multiple interior page templates to allow Zoo team flexibility and structure within the new site. Of course, all pages would be optimized for mobile device use.

                • Website Development

                                o This phase is to convert the design into one more search engine friendly and standards compliant HTML/CSS. This includes optimizing code and design to account for mobile devices. This also should include the installation of CMS and the implementation of templates.

                • Content Integration

                                o This phase is the incorporation of all content into the new CMS. This would include copying over content that will remain and insertion of new copy and images.

                • Site Launch

                                o The firm should optimize the code and provide user testing to ensure the site is displaying and functioning properly across all modern browsers. This includes moving the site from the staging site to the live environment. A full training session should be included within this phase.

Due Date:

July 10th, 2019. 


Patrick C. Williamson

Director, Purchasing

Saint Louis Zoo

One Government Drive

St. Louis, MO 63110

Hunter PR and Small Girls PR have relevant experience.

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