San Bernardino County Issues Media Relations RFP

san bernandino county info

The County of San Bernardino, Economic Development Agency (EDA) and Workforce Development Department (WDD) (collectively, County), are each seeking Proposals from interested and qualified Proposers to provide Professional Communications and, Marketing and Media Relations Services (Services) specific to the County’s programs under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) and economic development activities.

Scope of Work:

The Economic Development Agency and Workforce Development Agency are seeking proposals from interested and qualified professional communications firms have the experience to provide the County with the following services:


                Comprehensive Strategy Development:

                                • Assist the County with developing and implementing a comprehensive and integrated         communications, public relations and marketing strategy. This includes but is not limited                               to content marketing and auditing, video production, messaging, managing and tracking multiple social media platforms and content, advertising, print/ digital (SEO), events, media relations, creative assets, website, branding, industry campaign development and industry oriented organizational influence.

                                • Recommend and provide key performance metrics.

                                • Assist the County with industry and market analysis as determined by staff. Workplan                                               for public relations will be further determined as mutually agreed upon.

                Key Market Messaging Development:

                                • Assist the County with message to key industries for key initiatives/ programs and                                       content development.

                                • Align messaging channels and tactics.

                Event Messaging:

                                • Assist the County with developing messaging to include but not limited to various                                        events, conferences, and speaking opportunities.

                Media Kit:

                                • Develop a base of media materials and maps of the region to be used in media                                              outreach, pitching and follow up. These should include but not limited to: bios, agency                                  overview, regional overview, industry clusters, success stories, strengths, comparative                                      data sets with strong supporting visuals, among other items to consider. This package                                               should be for both press and used to target top executives, industry influencers, tenant reps, brokers, site selectors and investors as well as any other appropriate contacts                                                 determined by staff.

                Leading-Edge Indicators:

                                • Promote the County’s leadership and integral relationship to the success of the greater SoCal region.

                                • Promote national successes of department programs (i.e. Workforce.)

                                • Position the County’s leadership and key staff as thought leaders in the industry.

                Top Tier Media Program:

                                • Develop a core list of media and publication that reflect best practices across industry                                                sectors and in turn, develop an outreach strategy to include but not limited to: media                                    tours, desk-side meetings, and conference/trade show briefings.

                Proactive Information/Success Story Gathering:

                                • Collaborate with partners that may include but not limited to industry influencers such as brokers, business leaders, economists to gather positive news of the region for                                                distribution in email format, use online, social media, print and electronic media as well                                          as guided development as it relates to speaking points and strategic positioning.


                Proactive Media Relations Strategy:

                                • Leverage the success of the County’s private sector and promote growth, relocation, retention, expansion and development, where possible.

                                • Use announcements as endorsements of the County and its value proposition. Promote successful programs and strategies of the Economic Development Agency, especially as they support business growth –provide case studies, examples, and                                      reasons why the programs matter to business.

                                • Encourage a regular and ongoing news effort; releases should be used on the web, through social media, in press and as part of marketing efforts/ packages (ongoing                                          media pitching).

                Proactive Social Media Relations Content Calendar:

                                • Develop and implement social media content calendar to include but not limited to: blog content, social media postings, publications etc.

                Content development:

                                • Newsletter, website, creative assets, case study, white paper and video production.

                Speakers Bureau:

                                • Develop a proactive strategy to position County Economic Development Agency                                       leadership at key events, conferences, and trade groups where we can proactively                                         position the region and its thought leaders.

                                • Review trade show, conferences and associations where the County is planning to attend in order to maximize attendance for speaking, media and influencer meetings.

                Monthly Outgoing Executive / Media / Influencer Briefing:

                                • Develop an e- news platform to promote the County and successes; leverage ability to gather data.

                                • Focus on promotion of possible news coverage where the County can gather and package data i.e. success of key industry areas and marketplace strengths

                Co-brand with local media channel:

                                • Develop on-going content to include but not limited to: Radio/Cable or TV for use on                                  the County’s site and or partnering sites and to promote the region. Content may go on                                       website, YouTube channel or any other media channel platforms the County deems appropriate.

                News Bureau:

                                • Leverage planned regional coverage in key media where we can place County thought leaders, executives, and/or key staff.

                                • Seek out stories to pitch the County and work to set up interviews.

                Influencer Meetings:

                                • Work with the County to develop a short list of influencers in order to arrange meetings with the County where there are mutual goals and aid in coordination, preparation, and follow up. This could include but not limited to brokers, economists, and business associations, on a local, regional and national level, among others.

                Event Planning and Support

                High-Level Program/Event:

                                • Work with the County team to research, strategize and plan for a high level “global” event that embraces the regional strengths and engages an appropriate high–level organization, partner, and/or other to aid in delivering a strong proactive investment message. Scope of Services will be defined further as the event is determined.

                General Event Support:

                                • Where needed and appropriate, will provide but not limited to general marketing and media relations support to County and or partner events involving the Economic                                              Development Agency.

                Marketing/ Branding/Advertising


                                • Work with the County to leverage planned attendance at conferences as well as recommend events, associations, meetings and conferences where the County can gain                                              advantages and greater exposure.

                Marketing theme/campaign:

                                • Work with the County to develop positioning themes that proactively promote the County’s goals. These themes are to be carried out in advertising, collateral, social                                           media, print/ digital and other campaign initiatives as determined by staff.


                                • Work with the County to develop an advertising plan for the agency. This includes                                       developing advertising copy, website optimization, social media boosting negotiating                                     rates and opportunities, proactively seeking out sponsorships as well as providing                                              planning and schedules to art directors, as required.

                                • Determine campaign performance metrics.


                                • Develop a core electronic presentation package for all site selection inquiries and to support brokers, site selectors and other parties. Where possible should include but not limited to case studies, data and testimonials to support County advantages. All information can be uploaded to the website and used both in print and electronically.

                Industry Programming/Promotion:

                                • Develop a comprehensive schedule and template(s) of program/activity updates of core industry areas and campaigns as determined by the team (i.e. monthly newsletters, industry program updates etc.). This can be an electronic outreach and/or printed for one-to-one meetings and events as needed.


                Work with the County to develop appropriate reporting and measurement matrixes as required and or requested.


                1. The overarching goal and objective of the outlined services is to raise awareness, change negative perceptions, inform target audiences and establish the County as a thought leader in     its target industries.

                2. Deliverables/Requirements:

                                a. The firm or company should have experience in working with government entities                                 and knowledge of what workforce and economic development is on a high level.

                                b. Performance standards or measures:

                                Provide measurement of the program in the form of:

                                                • Advertising equivalency

                                                • Lead development / generation

                                                • Total media impressions

                                                • Video views

                                                • Time on website

                                                • Unique website visitors

                                                • Bounce rate

                                                • Social media engagement including tracking of metrics and providing analysis

                                                • Content downloads

                                                • Event and program success / attendance

                                                • Creation of core collateral and web-based information

                                                • Development and placement of media messages

                                                • Market/Business Activity (such as: attraction, retention, expansion, contractions, and investment)

                                c. Workplan deliverables:

                                                i. Specific workplan will be further determined as mutually agreed upon.             

Due Date:

March 15th, 2019.


San Bernardino County

Economic Development Department

Attn: Monique Carter

385 N. Arrowhead Ave, 3rd Floor

San Bernardino, CA 92415

Agencies to consider for this assignment include Hunter PR and M Booth PR.

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