San Mateo Health Issues Social Media RFP


The County of San Mateo is soliciting proposals from qualified providers for social and digital marketing, media buy, and outreach services, or similar services indicated for our Pollution Prevention Program.

The purpose of this solicitation is to seek a qualified agency or individual to provide social marketing, media buy, and outreach services on behalf of Environmental Health’s Pollution Prevention Program to educate and motivate San Mateo County residents about the reuse, recycling, or safe management of household hazardous waste, recycling used motor oil and filters, the Healthy Nail Salon Program, safe food sharing at schools, and any other programs that help protect public health and the environment


The Environmental Health Services Division is a division within County Health. The Division ensures a safe and healthful environment in the county’s 20 cities and unincorporated areas through education, monitoring, and enforcement of a variety of regulatory programs, as well as ongoing services to the community. Programs encompass consumer health protection, solid and medical waste and recycling services, hazardous materials protection, land use and groundwater protection, rental housing health and safety standards, and pollution prevention outreach.

Scope of Work:


Provide social and digital marketing services, communications consulting, and/or media buy services for San Mateo County Environmental Health Services Pollution Prevention Programs that include but are not limited to Household Hazardous Waste, Used Motor Oil and Filter Recycling, Safe Surplus Food Share Table Donations, the Healthy Nail Salon Program, Fishing Smart in San Francisco Bay, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)/Product Stewardship efforts such as Refuel Your Fun, and Safe Medicine Disposal, and various other programs purposed to educate residents on how to protect their health and the environment.


• Provide consulting services on the most effective media services for multiple campaigns, simultaneously, throughout each fiscal year as needed by EHS.

• Coordinate with media vendors and purchase media on behalf of and at the discretion of EHS. Media vendors may include but are not limited online and hardcopy media, such as the San Mateo Daily Journal, Half Moon Bay Review, Bay Area News Group, Lamar Transit advertising, Clear Channel Communications, Waze, Pandora. 

• The Contractor shall purchase various media buys and reconcile all costs into a quarterly invoice submitted on a schedule agreed upon by both parties. The Contractor shall work to find the best pricing for all media buys coordinated on behalf of EHS. 

• A proof must be provided by any media sub-contractor, including collateral/artwork developed by the Contractor or provided to the Contractor by EHS shall be approved prior to disseminating to the public.


Support and guide EHS in creating successful behavior change campaigns that demonstrate results by way of quantifiable engagement and/or sustainable behavior change. Consult and provide subject matter expertise consulting on the program development and implementation of various pilot or broad-scale implementation projects and/or campaigns EHS is responsible for implementing. Assist EHS identify the following components each campaign EHS consults with the Contractor on:

1. Objective (quantitative) 

2. SMART Goals (qualitative) 

3. Who, What, When, Where and Why? 

4. Call to action 

5. Target Audience 

6. Age Bracket 

7. Demographics (Languages, Ethnicities) 

8. Barriers 

9. Motivators 

10. Budget 

11. Strategies 

12. Tactics (how EHS will implement strategies e.g. media deliverables, collateral pieces)

13. Tagline 

14. Branding Parameters 

15. Key Contact Information (Phone, Web page) 

16. Partners/Stakeholders 

17. Measurement Tool 

18. Evaluation Methodology 

19. Timeline 

20. Staff Hours/Resources 

21. Seasonal/Piggyback Opportunities


• Support EHS by creating collateral pieces that include but are not limited to posters, flyers, signs, brochures or any deliverable needed as part of a campaign/project. Support includes drafting effective and persuasive language to be displayed on collateral pieces. Unlimited reviews and collaboration shall occur until the service is deemed sufficient by EHS. • Provide contractor with electronic, working document formats of the artwork for editing at their discretion.

• Contractor shall approve all artwork prior to publishing, airing, and/or scheduling on social media.

• Photos purchased by the Contractor shall be provided to EHS for future use if needed.

• Use the SMC Health Style Guide for all artwork developed. 


Contract expenses will be paid through the Pollution Prevention Program which provides education and technical assistance to the residents and businesses in the County in order to protect the environment and public health.


• Videographer Service: Possess the expertise/capability to film, edit and create cutting edge short videos for social media and/or websites

• Capacity to create GIFs for various media platforms 

• Mobile optimization 

• Website management 

• Percentage of overhead cost 

• Experience 

• Printing capabilities 

• Mail collateral pieces on behalf of EHS 

• Coordinate a USPS indicia business reply mailing on behalf of EHS

• Subject matter expertise in community based social marketing

• Graphic design 

• Demonstrate sufficient staff capacity to provide support to the Pollution Prevention Program

• Demonstrate knowledge of effective engagement strategies and tactics

• Provide examples of effective campaigns worked on where “the needle” has moved/behavior change.

• Demonstrate knowledge of effective behavior change approaches

• Demonstrate expertise on the most up to date advertising and marketing practices

• Survey creation and synthesis 

• Provide reach numbers with tactics implemented and campaign reach evaluation after the conclusion of each campaign.

• Demonstrate metrics/analytics to measure effectiveness of campaigns implemented on behalf of EHS .

• Provide EHS with case studies and/or examples of how a campaign is evaluated in coordination with previous clients.

• Be able to provide a reach estimate for each campaign tactic set implemented on behalf of or in coordination with EHS.

Due Date:

February 13, 2020 


Relevant agencies include Hunter PR and Magrino PR.

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