SHIFT Communications Scores Pitney Bowes Business Insight

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Pitney Bowes Business Insight (PBBI), a division of Pitney Bowes Software Inc. and wholly owned subsidiary of Pitney Bowes Inc. (PBI 21.37, -0.01, -0.05%) , selected SHIFT Communications as its PR agency of record. In the official press communique, SHIFT Comm describes the selection process as a highly-competitive agency review.

SHIFT Communications will now have the challenge to broaden awareness of PBBI’s leadership role in helping companies acquire, serve and grow customer relationships via an array of software solutions. PBBI offers solutions in the areas of Customer Intelligence, Customer Communications and Customer Care, that help enhance operational systems and workflows, making customer relationships management more effective.

For SHIFT, promoting software so needed in customer communications and customer care, will be a walk in the park. The agency is already skilled in dealing with such businesses. In fact, SHIFT is known for its major contribution to modern PR. Their campaigns are some of the most effective.

“SHIFT stood out based on its reputation as a PR and social media firm that works hard to understand the nuances of businesses like ours,” said Matt Broder, vice president, external communications of Pitney Bowes. “We are very pleased to begin this engagement and look forward to collaborating with the SHIFT team for outstanding results.”

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