
SARTA is seeking ongoing marketing and graphic design services to assist our in-house staff. Marketing services may include development of literature, print and web-ads, identity materials, and other various marketing materials. Graphic design services may include design of literature, print & web-ads, logos, identity materials, and other various marketing materials.

SARTA is funded by a ¼% Sales Tax, Federal Grants, bus fares, contracts with agencies and the State of Ohio. SARTA’s operating expenses are about $22.9 million. About 80% of SARTA’s operating expenses are covered by the sales tax revenue.  SARTA must renew the sales tax every ten years, otherwise, we would not be able to provide quality, reliable transportation to Stark County residents.

·         Sales Tax 61.4% or about $15.2 million

·         Federal 28.9% or about $7.1 million

·         Fares 8.6% or about $2.1 million

·         Ads and other revenue 1.1% or $200,00

SARTA is seeking ongoing marketing and graphic design services to assist our in-house staff. Marketing services may include but are not limited to development of literature, print and web-ads, identity materials, and other various marketing materials. Graphic design services may include but are not limited to design of literature, print & web-ads, logos, identity materials, and other various marketing materials.

                4a. Please provide examples of relevant experiences with companies or agencies comparable in              size or scope to SARTA. Specifically provide examples of transit work you have done in the past 3           – 5 years. Include the scope of the project/campaign, targeted audiences, evaluation of the                project/campaign and any analytics gathered.

                4b. Examples

                                4b (1). Provide 5-6 examples of your marketing work and include:

                                4b (2). Print and electronic materials

                                4b (3). Videos including the project scope, method for filming/gathering materials and usage of videos

                                4b (4). At least one example of integrated marketing campaign include the evaluation and analytics of the campaign

                                4b (5). Provide 8-10 examples of your graphic design work including but not limited too;

                                4b (6). Electronic media graphics

                                4b (7). Print items such as brochures, tip cards, etc.

                                4b (8). Social Media graphics used on all channels

                                4b (9). Logos

                4c. Include information on programs or strategies used to evaluate and gather analytics on all    campaigns. Also, include information on any other services your company provide.

                4d. Please provide a cost per hour on services provided. This should include the cost for any revisions vs. original design, design coordination, etc.

                4e. Provide a list of staff positions and the number of staff members in each position (ex. 4 social media coordinators, 3 Graphic Designers, 2 Account Manager(s)

                4f. List 3-5 references of agencies &/or clients who you have done work for in the last 3-5 years.

It is SARTA’s policy that all design material will become the property of SARTA and is created in a format that enables SARTA to repurpose as they see fit (understanding that additional charges may be applied to accommodate copyright issues). SARTA utilizes Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CC.

All support materials (photos, images, graphics, fonts, etc.) are property of SARTA and should be supplied to SARTA. All files should not b

Due Date:

March 15th, 2019. 





Relevant agencies could include Alison Brod PR or MWW PR.

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