State of Arizona Department of Child Safety Issues PR RFP

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State of Arizona Department of Child Safety Issues PR RFP
State of Arizona Department of Child Safety Issues PR RFP

The purpose of this service is to contract with Regional Child Abuse Prevention Councils (CAP Councils) in local communities to increase public awareness and understanding about child abuse and neglect through educational activities and advocacy for the prevention of child abuse and neglect through effective programs and policies.


2.1 ADCS Mission and Vision Statement

The Arizona Department of Child Safety (ADCS) is statutorily responsible to provide services to families whose children are involved with ADCS. ADCS Vision and Mission Statements are:

Vision: Children thrive in family environments free from abuse and neglect

Mission: Successfully engage children and families to ensure safety, strengthen families, and achieve permanency.

2.2 ADCS has been providing child abuse prevention services to communities through Regional Child Abuse Prevention Councils since 1991. By providing this service through Regional Child Abuse Prevention Councils, the activities have been designed and implemented based on the unique needs and diversity of the communities they serve.

2.3 The Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Council is funded by the Federal Community Based Child Abuse Prevention Grate (CBCAP) and a twenty percent (20%) General Fund state match for every Federal dollar spend.

Scope of Work:


                3.1 The purpose of the Councils is to help create a secure atmosphere for children by educating the community and serving as an empowering collective voice that connects children and families with aid and protection through community resources.

                4.0 SERVICE DELIVERY: The Contractor shall provide services, including but not limited to:

                4.1 All services provided are culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate to the population to be served.

                4.2 All services shall meet the requirement of primary and secondary prevention services.

PART 1 of the Solicitation Documents Section 1A: Scope of Work

                4.3 The Child Abuse Prevention logo is used on all materials. A materials must be approved by   ADCS before they are released. The Child Abuse Prevention logo is in Exhibit A, Logo.

                4.4 CAP Council

                4.4.1 Form a Council with members that are reflective of the community served.

                4.4.2 The Council may consist of the following members who will complete the identified tasks:

1. One (1) member who will organize the Council, facilitate meetings, provide networking opportunities and coordinate required activities.

2. One (1) trainer who is certified in the required approved curriculum and will facilitate workshops, organize community events. The Council may utilize a qualified trainer from another council or agency.

3. One (1) member who is experienced in the use of social media and will post prevention materials on a monthly basis.

4. One (1) member who will advertise and recruit participants for workshops and community events.

5. Members who represent an organization such as a school, Family Resource Center, Home Visiting Program, Mental Health Clinic, County Health Department, Library or some other agency who has direct access to a diversity of parents and families in the general community.

6. One (1) member who will maintain a community resource list and other educational materials.

7. Parent, Caregiver and Youth Advisors who have a positive, strength-based and solution focused outlook towards the prevention of child abuse/neglect and who have benefitted from child welfare or other community services. The council may compensate parents, caregivers and youth using these guidelines:

                a) Stipend for each meeting attended

                b) Reimbursement for miles traveled

                c) Per diem travel reimbursement for a percentage of hotel, if traveling over 50 miles one-way

                d) Reimbursement for childcare

8. Business Leaders, Faith-based Community Leaders, Philanthropists, Medical/Health Leaders

9. Any ADCS employee(s)

                4.4.3 All members should be well educated in the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study and in each of the five (5) protective factors (Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development, Social-Emotional Competence of Children, Social Connections, Parental Resilience, and Concrete Supports). Members may become educated after joining the council. See section 5.2 regarding educational training.

                4.4.4 Members may fill multiple duties, as outlined above.

                4.4.5 Council funds may be used to provide food and beverages during council meetings.

                4.5 Annual Prevention Events:

                4.5.1 On an annual basis, the Council shall complete the activities listed below:

1. Annual Campaign Plan (ACP), Exhibit F – The ACP shall be submitted to ADCS by the fifteenth (15th) business day of January. The ACP shall contain all events and trainings planned for the year.

2. Minimally, complete two (2) of the following activities, one (1) in April (Child Abuse Prevention Month) and one (1) in the Fall (September 1 – November 30). Councils shall print out surveys prescribed by ADCS and provide it to all attendees to complete. All completed surveys shall be submitted to the Office of Prevention no more than thirty (30) days following the event/activity:

                a. Parent Workshop for parents and families.

1) Each workshop will last at least two (2) hours, be free to the public, and provide a foundation of the ACE Study and focus on strengthening the Protective Factors.

2) Consider offering childcare and/or incentive(s) for participant attendance.

3) Councils will use the ADCS approved curriculum (see Exhibit B, Guidelines for Workshops, Conferences and Community Events).

4) Include a handout and discussion of local and state community resources that address each of the five protective factors. (see Exhibit C, Resource Guide).

5) The trainer will engage the audience in a discussion and use multiple learning strategies to reinforce the points.

6) All attendance rosters and/or printed certificate(s) of completion must be submitted with Report A and /or Report B.

                b. Community Event “Family Fun Day/Block Party/Resource Fair”

1) The purpose of Community Events is to increase Protective Factors within families, create positive activities for children and decrease social isolation. The events will combine family fun activities with parental educational activities.

2) Community Events will be family-friendly, free to the public, geared for children 0-17 and be consistent with the guidelines in Exhibit B, Guidelines for Workshops, Conferences and Community Events.

3) Include the distribution of local and state community resources that address each of the five protective factors. (see Exhibit C, Resource Guide.

4) All attendance rosters must be submitted with Report A and /or Report B.

3. The Council shall meet a minimum of six (6) times a year and will actively participate in services as described in Section 4, Service Delivery.

                4.5.2 In addition to the mandatory activities, Councils may provide or support other prevention events including but not limited to:

1. Having a table at resource fairs and other community events to distribute prevention pamphlets and resource information

2. Using promotional items such as stress balls, Frisbees, pens, tshirts, etc. to draw attention to community resource contact numbers or websites.

3. Distributing hard copy or electronic resource information to places where parents would naturally seek help including but not limited to:

                a) Doctor offices;

                b) Schools;

                c) County health departments;

                d) WIC;

                e) FRCs;

                f) ADCS offices;

                g) DES offices;

                h) Faith-based organizations;

                i) Community Recreation Centers

4. Other prevention activities such as:

                a) Brief presentations to community leaders;

                b) Back to School drive;

                c) Conferences;

                d) Parenting classes;

                e) Place Public Service Announcements on TV, Radio and Billboards, etc.

5. Conference for Professionals – Conference shall include presentations on evidence based programs such as Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and Protective Factors Conference themes shall be consistent with the curriculum and materials in Exhibit B, Guidelines for Workshops, Conferences and Community Events.

                4.6 Social Media Campaign:

                4.6.1 Councils shall at a minimum, post information on their social media platform(s) four (4)       times a month about ACEs, Protective Factors, parenting information, community resources     and/or scheduled free or low cost events/activities on Facebook or other social media platforms   as designated by ADCS.

                4.6.2 ADCS will provide a social media tip sheet (see Exhibit D) on how to schedule posts in          advance and how to track the number of reaches (see Scope of Work Definitions).

                4.7 Child Abuse Prevention Resources

                4.7.1 Councils shall educate families of community resources that strengthen the protective       factors by making the following available at all workshops and council events:

1. The ADCS approved resource list (see Exhibit 3, Resource


2. The contact information of at least one agency in the local community whose mission is to provide resources, such as a Family Resource Center (FRC) or Community Center. Resources should include community information and referral to services for youth, parents and other family members.

Due Date:

September 27, 2019


Arizona Department of Child Safety

Office of Prevention

3003 N. Central Avenue

Phoenix, Arizona 85012


Phone: 602-255-2690

Relevant agencies include APCO Worldwide and W2O group.

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