State of Louisiana Seeks Public Relations Food Firm

The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by the LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY (herein referred to as the LOAF or State) is to obtain competitive proposals from qualified Proposers who are interested in providing consulting services to assist in administering the LOUISIANA SWEET POTATO ADVERTISING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION’S (herein referred to as the Agency or Commission) advertising, promotion and public relations program.

The Commission desires to expand the market and increase the consumption of Louisiana sweet potatoes. The objectives are for the successful Contractor to prepare a methodology and provide sweet potato promotion, advertising and public relations in Louisiana; implement the most effective use of funds to promote and advertise Louisiana sweet potatoes to increase awareness of the nutritional benefits; and to increase consumption and sales.

The Commission is an agency created by the State Legislature and is comprised of Louisiana Revised Statutes (LA R.S.) 3:1741 through 3:1748, established within the Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry. The Commission is responsible for carrying out a program of advertising, promotion and public relations to increase the consumption of Louisiana sweet potatoes both within  the  state  and  out-of-state. Through this program, the Commission seeks to present a positive message to the consumer that Louisiana sweet potatoes are nutritious and healthful and should be included in everyone’s diet, and in fact, should be increased in use.

Scope of Work:

The selected Proposer shall be expected to provide the following services, to include, but not limited to:

                • Provide advice and counsel to the Commission on an advertising, promotion and public relations program to accomplish the objective of promoting and increasing the consumption of Louisiana sweet potatoes;

                • Develop an advertising, promotion and public relations program with opportunities which will assist in sales of Louisiana sweet potatoes (fresh and processed);

                • Identify national advertising, promotion and public relations opportunities  which  will assist in sales of Louisiana sweet potatoes (fresh and processed);

                • Create advertising for any print or broadcast media;

                • Plan and place print and broadcast media;

                • Create and produce print-ready art for promotional materials, point-of-purchase materials, recipe booklets and brochures, contest materials and any other creative uses in accomplishing the objectives of this program;

                • Recommend a proposed advertising and promotion program and budget to the Commission, designed to accomplish the objective increasing the shipment and consumption of both fresh and canned Louisiana sweet potatoes;

                • Implement the advertising promotion and public relations program approved by the Commission, coordinate with the staff of the State assigned to the Commission to carry out its program;

                • Pay media and other vendors for goods and services;

                • Provide all necessary documentation of invoices to the Commission;

                • Provide usual and customary account services, including attendance at all Commission meetings and consultation regarding the servicing of the account;

                • Provide monthly accounting to the Commission of all monies expended. The statement shall include a breakdown of contractor fees and expenses by project or service category;

                • Develop advertising and other program budgets. Maintain budget status control and appropriate records which may be audited by the responsible agencies of state government as provided in Section 1.37;

                • All other related activities approved by the Commission, as are necessary to accomplish the objectives of the program;

                • Make revisions to existing website, WWW.SWEETPOTATO.ORG domain owned and maintained by the State; and

                • Participate in social media opportunities.

Due Date:

June 17th, 2019.


Wanda Ward

ATTN: RFP Coordinator

LA Department of Agriculture and Forestry

Mailing and Courier Delivery Address:

5825 Florida Boulevard, Suite 1000 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806

Strong food PR agencies include 5WPR and Coyne PR.

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