north carolina

The North Carolina Global TransPark (NCGTP) is seeking the assistance of a qualified economic development and marketing consultant/firm. The consultant/firm would be responsible for assisting in the implementation of a developed economic development program, which will include, but is not limited to policies, activities, strategies, and projects. The successful candidate will serve as an advisor to the NCGTP staff, a liaison to the NCGTP and business community, and will make policy recommendations to the NCGTP staff.


The North Carolina Global TransPark (NCGTP) is seeking the assistance of a qualified economic development and marketing consultant/firm. The consultant/firm would be responsible for assisting in the implementation of a developed economic development program, which will include, but is not limited to policies, activities, strategies, and projects. The successful candidate will serve as an advisor to the NCGTP staff, a liaison to the NCGTP and business community, and will make policy recommendations to the NCGTP staff. 

Scope of Work:

The Consultant’s overall responsibility and scope of work is to prepare an economic development plan containing goals, objectives, implementation plans, and metrics. The Consultant will also provide assistance with up to 24 hours of onsite services. Professional services will include, but are not limited to, the following tasks:

Economic Development Program. Local, state, and national economic development programs that serve a comparable asset to the NCGTP will be analyzed. The Consultant should identify and develop a best practices economic development program for NCGTP based on the findings. The economic development program will include job descriptions and responsibilities related to each position.

Business Retention and Expansion Program. An existing industry analysis will be conducted to identify programs and services to assist and retain current tenants of the NCGTP. Programs and services will be developed and implemented to assist with existing industry growth and training.

Target Industry Market Analysis. Detailed market analysis will be conducted to identify potential prospects for new industry at the NCGTP. The Consultant will identify various supply chains associated with existing tenants of the NCGTP and region. A plan of action will be developed and implemented.

Business Attraction and Marketing. The Consultant will assist NCGTP staff with responsibilities and duties of attracting new industry to the NCGTP. The Consultant will assist NCGTP with establishing and maintaining a client database, marketing efforts, and various communications during the recruitment process.

Competitive Positioning. The analysis of current and potential incentives, related policies, and existing assets will be analyzed and reported by the Consultant. The Consultant will make recommendations and implement strategies to increase the competitive position of the NCGTP.

Site Certification. The Consultant will assist in certifying NCGTP land through various certification programs, including but not limited to the North Carolina Site Certification Program and Smart Sites.

Customized Research. The Consultant will develop an economic overview relating to targeted industry clusters for the NCGTP, utilizing a 60-mile and 75- mile radius. This report will need to be updated on a quarterly basis by NCGTP staff within the economic development program and have comparative analysis components determined by the active project need or reporting request. The economic overview includes but is not limited to, a demographic profile, employment trends, unemployment rate, wage trends, cost of living, industry snapshot, occupation snapshot, industry cluster concentration, education programs and levels, gross domestic product.

Due Date:



Agencies worth considering include MWWPR and Coyne PR.

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